begins a conflict between ?
settlers & Indians
Founder of Massachusetts?
William Bradford, Pilgrims & Puritans, John Winthrop
Type of government Structure?
Covenant and combine them together into a civil body politick
3 items provided for the indentured servants?
How did John Rolfe discover tobacco
curing tobacco from seeds obtained from the Caribbean
The governor Berkeley's opponent is ?
Nathaniel Bacon
Connecticut Reason founded?
Political Freedom
Who wrote The Mayflower Compact
William Bradford
why did the English people chose to stay in England?
economy improved
Political and religions
Conflicts diminished
What caused John Rolfe to bring Pocahontas to England?
Christian convert married to an Englishman
The Rebellion can be compared to the ?
America Revolution
compare and contract Pilgrims & Puritans?
pilgrims : wanted to separate
Both : Religions
Puritans : wanted a more pure form of their religions
What the signers agree to do ?
General good for the colonies
3 ways that led to African becoming enslaved?
Purchased from chiefs
Taken in to war
Did Pocahontas get kidnapped by John Rolfe?
Argall planned and carried out the abduction of Pocahontas
where did Bacon and his men attacked ?
Rhode Island Reason founded?
Religions & Political Freedom
Government system?
Equal laws, Ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices
America is known as ?
Middle trade
When did John Rolfe introduce tobacco?
First struggle ? , of the bacon's Rebellion
Common man Vs aristocrat
New Hampshire population Boom , two reason?
Settlers need land
Indentured servants need land
The purpose of Voyage ?
To plant the first colony in the Northerner parts of Virginia
2 aspects of brutality's Africans faced in the their voyage to America?
Psychological trauma
Put them in shackles
What was the difference between John Smith and John Rolfe?
John Smith was a leader and explorer, while John Rolfe introduced tobacco and had a significant marriage