Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Suppose you randomly assign one group of children to watch violent TV programs and other to watch nonviolent programs. You then measure their aggressive behavior on playground after watching these programs. The measure of aggressive behavior is your _____ in this experiment.
What is dependent variable ?
A child who labels a shoebox as a baby's crib and plays with this object as if it were a crib has formed a(n)
What is symbolic scheme?
According to attribution (or social information-processing) theory, our self¬perceptions and perceptions of other people depend on
What is inferences we make about the causes of our own and other's behavior?
Billy steals $.75 from his mothers purse to buy an Eskimo pir from the ice-cream man. He then feels bad about his misdeed and confesses, offering to pay his mother back out of next week's allowance. Billy is experiencing.
What is guilt
The theorist who would most likely stress that infants play an active role in the attachment process is
Who is John Bowlby?
To study the effect of the teacher’s gender on children’s scholastic performances, third-graders in a large school are randomly assigned to classes with female teachers or to classes with male teachers. This is a
What is field experiment?
Cognitive-developmental theorists such as Piaget view human beings as
What is constructivists?
Mechanistic models of development focus on
What is external, or environmental, influences on development ?
Increases in negative emotionally often seen among adolescents.
What is generally leveled off by mid-adolescents.
One-year-old Julie, who is playing with her toy, happens to notice her mother leaving the room. Julie becomes upset and whimpers but soon resumes playing. Five minutes later, Julie smiles and willingly accepts a hug when her mother reenters the room, and then ventures away from mom to play with a distant object. Julie’s attachment appears
What is "secure?"
A researcher attempting to study the effects of obstetric (that is, child-birth) medication on the behavior of newborn infants cannot control which newborns will have been exposed to these medications. As a result this study would be
What is a natural (or quasi-) experiment ?
A toddler’s initial reaction on seeing her first horse is to point and say “doggie.” According to Piaget, this youngster is providing us with an example of _____.
What is assimilation ?
Organismic models of development focus on
What is internal forces that drive and direct an individual's development ?
The aspects of early emotional development that may contribute most to an infant's early learning and adaption to the environment is.
What is social referencing
An infant reacts to the "Strange Situation" by appearing anxious around her mother and strangers, becoming very upset over separations, and by remaining near the mother in reunion episodes although preferring not to have any close physical contact with her. Ainsworth would classify this youngster's attachment as
What is resistant?
To compare the TV-viewing habits of 4th-, 6th-, and 8th- graders, Susan asks students from each grade to list their three favorite TV programs. This research design is an example of _____.
What is cross-sectional research?
Piaget’s four broad stages of cognitive development occur in the following order:
What is sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational?
Modern developmentalists often strive to integrate physical, cognitive, and social aspects of development into a coherent picture of the developing person, thus favoring
What is the holistic approach?
Rather than seeking information when social referenecing, infants and toddlers may sometimes be treating adults emotional cues as
What is commands
An infant who is uninterested in exploring strange environments, not particularly wary of strangers, and who shows little interest in close companions when they return after a separation would be classified by Ainsworth as
What is avoidant?
At age 4, Billy is more aggressive than Gary, who is more aggressive than Dave. If we wished to determine the stability of aggressiveness over time in these three boys, we would have to conduct a _____.
What is longitudinal study?
Calm and contented 3-month-old Dan discovers that he can make interesting sounds when he coos, so he coos over and over again for the sheer pleasure of hearing the sounds he can make. According to Piaget this child is displaying
What is a primary circular reaction?
Children are quite aware that people can “cause” various events by age
What is age 2-3, when they display their awareness of causality in their own language?
Eighteen to 24 months-old's have often learned to regulate simple emotions through such strategies
What is compressing their lips or knitting their brows and distracting themselves from unpleasantries.
Fourteen-month-old John sees his mother return to the room after a separation episode in the “Strange Situation.” He runs halfway to her and suddenly turns and moves just as quickly away. John’s attachment is probably
What is disorganized/disoriented?