How often does the sun rise?
What is Daily?
This integrated feature of ZoomInfo makes data entry into Salesforce really easy.
What is Export?
At an apartment community, who is the best person to be friends with?
Who are leasing agents, leasing managers or community managers?
This short, concise, persuasive speech is designed to quickly grab someone's attention and explain your idea, product, or service.
What is elevator pitch?
In The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort and his brokerage firm made millions by selling penny stocks and taking a cut of each transaction, demonstrating this common sales incentive.
What is Commission?
These are patterns or shifts in consumer behavior, technology, or industry practices that can give businesses a competitive edge if they know how to spot them early.
What are Market Trends?
In sales, this warm lead comes from a trusted connection, making it more likely to convert than a cold call.
What is a referral?
This term describes someone who easily connects with others and enjoys engaging in conversations across different groups.
What is a social butterfly?
In sales, this approach involves being transparent with clients about the pricing and value of our product, so they’re not caught off guard when the final price is presented.
What is setting the right expectations? or What is being honest? or What is knowing their budget?
This handy tool can be applied to water, social media photos, and that one coworker who overshares in meetings.
What is a filter?
This age-old advice suggests that if you want something, whether it's a favor or an opportunity, you should simply do this.
What is ask? or What is ask and you shall receive?
This type of casual conversation is often used to break the ice or fill awkward silences, usually about non-controversial topics like the weather or recent events.
What is small talk?
This phrase refers to the traditional ceremony where two people make a lifelong commitment to each other, usually in front of family and friends.
What is tying the knot?
This is a semi-fictional character based on market research and data that represents your ideal customer, helping you target your sales efforts more effectively.
What is buyer persona? or What is buyer type?
This action is a way to gain trust and credibility when you promise someone that you're going to do something?
What is follow through/up? or What is keep your word?
This is what you do when you want to avoid aimlessly wandering through your day, hoping for success, and instead decide exactly what you want to achieve.
What is setting goals?