
Paul saw a bee hive hanging from the top of a tree. He got a ladder and set it up against the tree. He climbed the ladder and looked at the hive. When he looked at the hive the bees swarmed and stung him.

How did he get to the top of the tree?

 He got a ladder


The student couldn’t write because his pencil lead broke. He took it to the pencil sharpener to sharpen it. a. How did the student fix the problem?

He  sharpened the pencil


Paul was on his way home when it began to rain. He opened his umbrella but a strong wind blew it inside out. He was drenched when he got home.

Why did the man open his umbrella?

He opened it because it started to rain.


The mother bought a video game for her son’s birthday. She hid it in a box in her closet so he could not see it.

Why did the mother hide the video game from her son ?

She hid it because it was for her son’s birthday and she wanted it to be a surprise.


The woman went out to the garden to work. She slipped boots on over her feet so they would stay clean.

 How many boots did she put on?

Two boots, one on each foot


Last night there was a gale that blew branches off the tree. One of the branches hit an electrical wire and knocked it down. Our lights went out. How did the electrical wire get knocked down?

A strong wind blew a branch off the tree and it hit the electrical wire.


Shawn ran over a nail with his bike and it punctured the tire. The tire went flat. His dad put a patch on it and pumped air back in it. What does puncture mean?

To make a small hole in something. 


A dog saw a cat and started to chase it. The cat ran quickly and climbed a tree. The cat was out of reach of the dog.

How did the cat get away from the dog?

The cat ran quickly and climbed a tree.


After Carl was done playing baseball, he left his jacket on the bench. When he found it the next morning it was wet .

Why was the jacket wet?

It got wet when it rained.


Ms Garcia was cold so she decided to make something hot to drink. She put a tea bag in a mug. She heated hot water and poured it into the mug. She added 2 spoonfuls of sugar and a slice of lemon.

Why did Ms Brown want something hot to drink?

She was cold.


Sarah was too short to reach the cookies on the shelf. She pushed a chair across the floor, climbed on top, and reached for them. She took four cookies from the jar.

Why Sarah need the chair?

She needed the chair because she was too short to reach them on the shelf.


Jake pushed the buttons on the remote but it didn’t turn on. He opened the back and took the batteries out. He put new batteries in. He pushed the buttons and the TV turned on.

Why didn’t the remote work?

The remote didn’t work because the batteries were dead.


Dawn walked quietly into the bedroom and peaked into the bed.  Why did Dawn walk quietly into the room?

She walked quietly because the baby was sleeping in the room.

John left the window open in his house. A bird saw bread on the table and flew in to eat. John used a net to catch the bird and released him outside. a. Why did the bird come into the house? b. How did the bird get back outside? c. What does release mean.
The bird flew through the window to get bread. b. John caught him with a net and released him outside. c. Release means to let something go free.

 She went to the grocery store and placed all of the   ingredients for cookies in her grocery cart.

Why did Joy go to the grocery store?

To get the ingredients to make cookies.


The birthday present had a beautiful ribbon. It had a knot in the ribbon and was difficult to untie. Marie got a scissors and cut it.

How did the girl get the present opened?

She cut the ribbon


The dog was barking. Joan opened the dog food bag, poured some in the bowl, and gave it to the do Why was the dog barking?

The dog barked because he was hungry.

She put five candles on the cake for her sister’s birthday. She lit them carefully with a match. a. How did she light the candles? b. Why did she put candles on the cake? c. How many candles did she light.
She lit them carefully with a match. b. She put candles on because it was her sister’s birthday. c. She lit five.

Dan didn’t understand a question in his homework because he didn’t know the meaning of a word. He looked it up in a dictionary and then knew the answer.

How did he solve the problem?

He looked the word up in the dictionary.


John was really hot and thirsty after playing basketball at the gym. He decided to get water from the vending machine. He put money into the slot and pushed a button for water. A bottle came out at the bottom.

Why was John hot and thirsty?

John just finished playing basketball at the gym.


The baby was crying until the mother gave him a bottle. Then he was pacified. What does pacified mean?

To make calm or quiet.


James didn’t have his shoe laces tied. He tripped over them and fell. He injured his knee and went to the nurse for a band aid. 

1. Why did he go to the school nurse?

2. What does injured mean

1. He injured his knee and needed a band aid.

2.  harmed, damaged, or impaired. 


The girl won a ribbon for the best poster for the safety poster contest. She walked gracefully across the stage to accept the ribbon. 

1.How did she walk across the stage?

2. Why did she win a ribbon?

1. She walked across the stage gracefully.

2. For the best poster


Joy could not get the jelly jar open because the cover was stuck on tight. She ran hot water over the cover and tried to open it again. This time it opened.

1. Why wouldn’t the jelly jar open?

2. How did she solve the problem?

1.  The cover was too tight.

2.    She ran it under hot water.


Matt needs money to pay for summer band camp next summer. After the snowstorm, Matt shoveled snow and earned half the money.

1. Why did Matt need money?

2.How much did he earn?

1.He needs money for band camp. 

2. He earned half of the amount he needed?