Figurative Language
Context Clues

What type of figurative language is this?

The babble of babies brings joy to my ears.

What is alliteration?


Alex hurt his leg. He and his mom went into an office. There were chairs around the walls. There were things to read on the table. Where were Alex and his Mom?

What is a doctor's office?


True or False - A theme is a central message. 

What is true?


Ms.Franco told Donta to stop eating so much candy because his teeth would deteriorate. 

The meaning of deteriorate. 

What is to become worse


What genre usually has a detective ?

What is Mystery?


What type of figurative language is this?

The bee buzzed all day.

What is onomatopoeia?


First, she spread out the dough. Then she added sauce and cheese and few other toppings before putting it in the oven. What was she making?

What is a pizza?


True or False - A synonym for theme would be "life lesson".

What is true?


I seldom buy chips for lunch because I do not have money.

The meaning of seldom.

What is rarely?


A story that is made up and includes: characters, problem, plot, and solution is.....

What is fiction?

What type of figurative language is this?

It was as clear as crystal.



The son and his dad drove to school. As they entered the building, the dad took his graded papers and headed to a different part of the building. What is dad's job?

What is a teacher?


Mrs. Smith was doing a unit on healthy living with her students. All week she taught her students about eating the correct foods like fruits and vegetables. Over the weekend, some of Mrs. Smith's students were at the mall and saw her eating pizza, a milkshake, and candy. Mrs. Smith's student Molly was going to order a salad, but now decided to order junk food too. What is the theme? 

A Actions speak louder than words

B Never eat pizza at the mall 

C Vegetables are good for you

What is A Actions speak louder than words?


Ms.Franco felt pompous when she beat the whole 5th grade class in checkers. 

The meaning of pompous.

What is thinking one is better than others. 


Text features are used in what kind of genre?

What is nonfiction?


What type of figurative language is this?

The theater thanked the audience



The students were one a field trip. They listened to experts talk about how to build habitats and facts about residents of the habitat. The children were excited to see creatures from all over the world in their own city. Where were they?

What is the zoo?


Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. What is the theme?
A Accept yourself for who you are.
B Sports are not important
C You can learn a lot from plants.

A.)A Accept yourself for who you are.


Mr. Francois told his students that in the summer they must read for 45mins each day in order to stimulate their brain.

The meaning of stimulate.

What is to activate?


A story/article that has facts and is not made up is...

What is nonfiction?


What type of figurative language commonly used expression that has acquired a meaning different from its literal meaning.



It was a stormy day. Travelers were standing and sitting around the gate. A woman stands behind the desk making announcements. People look impatient and worried that they won’t be able to get where they are going.  What is the problem?

What is a flight delay?


What is the difference between the main idea of a story and the theme of a story?

What is the main idea is mostly what the story is about (a short summary). The theme is the life lesson or moral that the author wants us to remember. It may have nothing to do with the details of the story itself.


Kaliyah yearned over the fact that she was the only one in class that did not get chips.

The meaning of yearned.

What is to have an intense feeling of longing for something?


A story written about some else's life.

What is a biography?