Context Clues
Steps of Close Reading
Author's Purpose
Main Idea
Author's Word Choice
After dropping his phone in the toilet, Robert repeatedly pressed and held the power button, but the device was *unresponsive*. What is the meaning of this word?
What is not working?
What is the first step of close reading?
What is approaching?
A speech written by a professional athlete listing the negative effects of steroids and urging young athletes to not use steroids. What is the author's primary purpose?
What is to persuade?
A penny for your thoughts? If it's a 1943 copper penny, it could be worth as much as fifty thousand dollars. In 1943, most pennies were made out of steel since copper was needed for World War II, so the 1943 copper penny is ultra-rare. Another rarity is the 1955 double die penny. These pennies were mistakenly double stamped, so they have overlapping dates and letters. If it's uncirculated, it'd easily fetch $25,000 at an auction. Now that's a pretty penny. The sentence that states the central idea of the passage is:
What is sentence 2: If it's a 1943 copper penny, it could be worth as much as fifty thousand dollars.
The gym of the high school was brightly decorated. The red and white streamers covered the walls and heart shapes were scattered all over the floor. Red glitter was thrown on all the tables and love songs were playing in the background. The Valentine’s dance was about to begin. What is the mood of this passage?
What is warm, romantic, exciting?
Dad spent countless hours caring for and manicuring his grass, so he hated when his neighbors *neglected* their lawns. What is the meaning of this word?
What is not taking care of?
What is the second step of close reading?
What is questioning?
A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body. The author's primary purpose for writing this text would be to:
What is inform?
Before you put on that Angry Birds costume and exhaust yourself roving from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this celebration grew to be candy fueled costume ball that we know today. The best summary of this paragraph is: a) Halloween has a long and varied history b) Angry Birds costumes were once very popular Halloween costumes c) Halloween masks come from the animal-skin costumes the Celts used to wear d) Today, kids go door to door for candy on Halloween
What is answer A?
The night it happened was one we will never forget. The wind was screeching outside as rain pounded against the window. We had lost electricity hours ago and had nothing but candles to light the house. The battery powered radio we had was broadcasting a warning to lock your doors and stay inside; there was a killer on the loose. What is the mood of this passage?
What is suspenseful, scary, intense?
After studying for twelve hours straight, Rob was growing *weary*. The best context clue for defining "weary" is:
What is studying for twelve hours straight?
What is the third step of close reading?
What is analyzing?
A story written about a young boy who moves to a new school and is bullied, but he gains self-confidence by joining a sports team and learns to stand up for himself. The author's primary purpose for writing this text would be to ________
What is entertain?
Screech! When a driver pushes on the brake pedal, it initiates a process that causes the vehicle to stop in motion. You literally trust automotive braking systems with your life every time you get into a vehicle or cross at a busy intersection, but how does this process work? It begins when the pedal is pushed. At this moment brake fluid is released into the area where the breaking mechanisms are. As the fluid collects, this creates a leverage, which causes a friction to be applied. If the breaking system is functioning properly, this friction will create a force that will cause the wheels to stop and allow you to reach your destination safely. What is the central idea of this passage?
What is the process of automatic brakes?
There is no one That can be better Because you are brilliant. There is nothing That you cannot you do Because you are unbeatable. What is the mood of this passage?
What is uplifting, encouraging?
Jack likes to sit on the edge of the pier when the wind is calm and the water is *tranquil*. The best meaning for the word "tranquil" is:
What is peaceful?
These are the type of questions you use in the approaching step.
What are guiding questions?
A story written about a young boy who moves to a new school and is bullied, but he gains self-confidence by joining a sports team and learns to stand up for himself. The author's secondary purpose for writing this text might be to:
Encourage children who are picked on to stand up for themselves
Yellowstone National Park is mainly located in Wyoming, although three percent is located in the state of Montana. The Continental Divide of North America runs diagonally through the southwestern part of the park. The park sits on the Yellowstone Plateau, which is an average elevation of 8,000 feet above sea level. This plateau is bounded on nearly all sides by mountain ranges. There are 290 waterfalls that are at least fifteen feet in the park, the highest being the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, which falls 308 feet. This passage is mainly about:
What is Yellowstone National Park?
My annoying brother likes to drive me crazy. There is no other who is that lazy. He whines to Mom and Dad night and day Until he eventually gets his way. He does his best to kill all joy. Oh, how my brother does annoy! What is the tone of this passage?
What is annoyed, irritated?
Chris could see nothing but the sky over the fields as he wandered through the *desolate* plains. The best context clue for the word "desolate" is:
What is the phrase "see nothing"?
You need to make these during the analyzing step of close reading based on text-specific questions.
What are inferences?
The story of a young athlete who takes steroids and his life and future fall apart. The author's secondary purpose for writing this text might be:
To persuade young athletes not to take steroids.
From breakfast on through all the day At home among my friends I stay, But every night I go abroad Afar into the land of Nod. What is the central idea of this poem?
What is: a person stays with friends all day then goes to Nod every night OR a metaphor comparing sleep to a person going on a journey
We received your request for a refund for your recent purchase of a telescope for your son. Please accept our sincere apologies that the product did not function as advertised. We will process the refund in as timely a manner as possible. In the meantime, if we can help you in any other way, please ask. The tone of this passage is:
What is formal, courteous, or polite?