
Hoots and flights were the measured behaviors of this species of bird in a playback study of neighbor-stranger discrimination.

What is the little owl?


These two memory processes make up Wagner's memory model of habituation.

What are short-term (working) and long-term (reference) memory?


This behavior occurs to the initial presentation of an unexpected sound and was measured in the experiments by a Yale graduate student in his thesis work.

What is an acoustic startle response?


This Russian psychologist is considered to be the creator of classical conditioning.

Who is Pavlov?


Rats demonstrated this phenomenon when, after repeated injections of morphine, their responses to the drug decreased; the environmental cues of the injection site elicited the rats’ compensatory responses.

What is tolerance?


This term refers to the expression of what you have learned.

What is performance?


According to this theory, habituation should be stimulus specific but not context specific.

What is the dual process theory?


A well designed learning experiment will include this kind of assessment.

What is a common test?


This scientist developed a learning explanation for drug tolerance.

Who is Shep Siegel?


When an animal shows less aggression towards the sound of a neighbor than of a stranger, they are demonstrating this phenomenon. 

What is the “Dear Enemy” Effect?


Siegel measured this in his studies of tolerance to morphine in rats.

What is the paw lick latency? 


These two accounts have been suggested to explain why rats and people prefer signaled over unsignaled shock.

What are the safety signal hypothesis and the preparatory response hypothesis?


This process explains the happy response of a dog to the sight of its leash.

What is Pavlovian conditioning?


These psychologists concluded that spaced presentations lead to better habituation than massed presentations of the stimulus.

Who are Davis and Wagner?


Following a long gap after repeated presentations of a stimulus, this phenomenon is observed when the stimulus is presented again.

What is Spontaneous Recovery of Habituation?


This process was used to treat a schizophrenic patient who for 9 years had hoarded towels taken from the bathrooms and other patients' rooms .

What is stimulus satiation?


A good theory will explain the data we have, be falsifiable and do this.

What is make novel predictions?


This term is often used to describe the learning process involved in teaching your dog to sit for a treat.

What is instrumental conditioning?


This first author Canadian researcher argued that in addition to a systematic approach to the control and eradication of bed bugs, management of the psychological consequences is also needed.

Who is Stephanie Burrows?


This may happen following ingestion of a drug when there is no compensatory conditioned response.

What is an overdose?


Before she was a professor at Brown, her trip to the West Coast was cut short by these creatures.

What are cockroaches?


Wagner's memory model states that if the representation of a stimulus is already active in STM when it is presented, there will be no response to the stimulus and no learning about this.

What is the context-stimulus association?


This term refers to stimulus presentation rate.

What is the interstimulus interval?


They are the course UTAs for CLPS 0100 and they have weekly office hours along with the graduate TA Cassandra Engstrom.

Who are Lena, Benson, Daisy and Christian?


When the response to a stimulus is increased by a novel stimulus, we are observing this phenomenon; and when the response to a repeatedly presented stimulus is increased by a novel stimulus, we are observing this phenomenon.

What are sensitization and dishabituation?