Specimen Processing
Colony Morphology
Organism Identification

Each of the following practices will better ensure the successful recovery of Campylobacter jejuni from stool specimens, except:

A. Incubation at 42C

B. Use of Campy BAP media

C. Use of selenite enrichment broth

D. Incubation in an atmosphere of 5% O2, 10% CO2, and 85% N2

C. Use of selenite enrichment broth


Report the gram stain.

Many GPC in pairs

Many WBC


Chocolate agar is recommended for the detection of Haemophilus species because it contains what?

Hemin and NAD


Which of these is not a responsibility of the sentinel micro labs?

A. rule out pathogens

B. determine that a bioterrorist event has occurred

C. transfer suspicious specimens to reference labs

D. be familiar with likely agents involved in a bio crime

B. determine that a bioterrorist event has occurred


The red arrow in pointing to a typical arrowhead-shaped zone of hemolysis that is produced by S. agalactiae with the CAMP test. A beta-hemolytic GPR that produces a rectangular-shaped area of hemolysis is:

Listeria monocytogenes


What is the STAT-iest specimen in the micro lab?



Report the gram stain.

Gram variable rods


This XLD plate shown in the following picture was isolated from a stool specimen of an immunocompetent adult. Your best action would be to:

Report it as no Salmonella or Shigella isolated


What media is CSF routinely plated to?

BAP, MAC, Chocolate, Thio


Describe a Category A bioterrorist agent

Cause high  mortality and the potential for major public health impact


Strep pneumoniae can best be differentiated from the viridans group of Streptococci by which test?

Bile solubility


Which specimen type is inoculated by using a quantitative isolation method?



The following picture is a gram stain from a positive anaerobic blood culture bottle. Some spores are seen on the gram stain. Based on the morphology, what is the most likely identification?

Clostridium septicum


Which of the following choices represents the characteristic indicator, fermentable sugar(s), and bacteriostatic agent(s) that are present in MacConkey agar respectively?

A. phenol red/lactose, sucrose, and xylose/sodium desoxycholate and bile salts

B. Eosin Y and methylene blue/lactose and sucrose/ Eosin Y and methylene blue

C. bromothymol blue/lactose, salicin, and sucrose/bile salts

D. neutral red/lactose/bile salts and crystal violet

D. neutral red/lactose/bile salts and crystal violet


A tech is working up a culture from an aspirated lesion. The culture is growing non-hemolytic colonies with flattened edges and raised centers, resembling a fried egg on BAP. Gram stain of the colonies show plump GNR with bipolar staining. What is the likely identification?

Yersinia pestis


An 87-year old patient had a foot wound that grew GNR. The colonies were pink to dark pink on the MacConkey agar, oxidase negative, and had the following biochemical reactions:


Indole: neg

MR: neg

VP: pos

Citrate: pos

H2S: neg

Urea: pos

Motility: neg

Ornithine: neg

AST: Ampicillin resistant, all others sensitive

A. Serratia marcescens

B. Proteus vulgaris

C. E. coli

D. Kleb pneumoniae

D. Kleb pneumoniae


A pleural fluid is received for aerobic culture. The specimen measures about 0.5 mL. How should this specimen be processed?

Use a sterile pipette and add a drop of fluid per agar plate.


Which of the following is a distinguising characteristic of Streptomyces species?

A. partial acid-fast organism

B. Resistance to lysozyme

C. musty basement odor

D. Salmon pink colonies

C. musty basement odor


What color would the agar be around a colony of Staph epi growing on MSA?



What is one of the biggest challenges when attempting to isolate Francisella?

Organism growth is slow


All of the following statements regarding Enterobacteriaceae are true except:

A. They are all gram negative

B. They are all oxidase positive

C. They are all bacilli

D. They all ferment glucose

B. They are all oxidase positive


Observation of colonies producing brick red fluorescence under long-wave UV light on KV allows for presumptive identification of which bacterial genus?



Which clostridium species is a potential bioterrorist agent?

Clostridium botulinum


Group A strep is best identified by what?

Bacitracin sensitivity