Verbal Reasoning 1
Verbal Reasoning 2
Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Read It & Weep

True or False: 

Literal language means just what it says.



True or False: 

This is an example of a simile: You are my shining star.


(A simile is a stated comparison using the words like or as)


Which is an example of a proper noun?

a. manager

b. school

c. Rutherford High School

d. statue

Rutherford High School

(a proper noun is a specific person, place or thing. All proper nouns are capitalized.)


Identify the complete subject.

The young artist is coming over for dinner. 

The young artist

(The complete subject includes the simple subject and all its modifiers)


Choose the correct word.

Julia gazed out on the blue—nothing but blue for days. “Blue is better than storms,” the ship’s captain warned her. She remembered looking at the big, blue space on the map _________ [A] indicating [B] endacating [C] endicating [D] indecating the Pacific Ocean. That preview had not prepared her. This trip was showing her the true size of the Pacific.  

[A] indicating


Which of these are examples of figurative language?Choose all that apply.

a. personification

b. hyperbole

c. dictionary definition

d. alliteration


b. hyperbole

d. alliteration


True or False: 

This is the definition of satire: exaggerates, ridicules, or pokes fun at human flaws or ideas 


(Some examples of satire used on tv would be shows like The Office, The Simpsons, South Park)


Which is an example of third person?

a. he, she, it

b. I 

c. you

a. he, she, it


Identify the simple subject. 

The small, red car is the one that he wants for Christmas.


(Subject is who or what the sentence is about)


Read this sentence from the user manual. 

To obtain Week View mode when in Month View mode, simply highlight any day in the desired week and choose Week at the bottom left of the display. 

In which sentence does mode have the same meaning as in the sentence above? 

F. She reacted to the change in the mode of the teacher’s voice. 

G. The instructor asked the students to find the mode of a set of numbers. 

H. She switched the computer’s application from keyboard to voice mode. 

I. The subway is her favorite mode of transportation when she visits the city

H. She switched the computer’s application from keyboard to voice mode) 

(Both use the meaning of the word mode in a context applying to technology, referring to a particular functioning condition of an electronic device.)


Which is a non example of technical language?

a. user manual

b. novel

c. business plan

d. press release

b. novel

(Technical writing is a form of communication that professionals use to convey information about a special topic.)


What is the antonym of wet?




Collective Nouns: Which sentence is written properly?

a. The members of the choir is competing nationally this year. 

b. The members of the choir are competing nationally this year. 

b. The members of the choir are competing nationally this year. 


Identify the dependent clause

I am running because I want to stay in shape. 

because I want to stay in shape. 

(A dependent clause includes a subject and a verb and cannot stand as a complete thought.)


Read these sentences.

Predators without peer, owls are splendidly adapted to life in the darkness.

Which literary technique does the author use in these sentences? 

F. imagery, portraying owls as skillful predators 

G. personification, assigning to owls the human trait of adapting 

H. hyperbole, exaggerating the status of owls among their predators 

I. alliteration, repeating a sound to emphasize the superiority of owls

I. The author uses alliteration in these sentences. 

(The repetition of the initial consonant sound p in the words Predators, peer, prowess, and predator emphasizes the superiority of owls.)


Identify the cause.

I planted sunflower seeds and giant sunflowers grew along the fence.

I planted sunflower seeds


Fact of Opinion?

Purchasing a brand new car is a terrible waste of money.


(Identify opinions can sound extreme. Also identify them by looking for words like bad, worse, good, better, always, never, etc)

(Identify facts by asking yourself:Can it be proven?; Can it be observed?)


Verb Tense: What verb tense is used?

I will walk to the store tomorrow. 

future tense

(The action will happen in the future.)


What type of sentence is this?

Are you going to the game on Friday?

a. imperative

b. declarative

c. exclamatory

d. interrogative 

d. interrogative

(Interrogative sentences asks a question and ends with a question mark.)


“Sir, I bring here a young knight, the which is of king’s lineage, whereby the marvels of this court shall be accomplished, and the trial of this thy kingdom shall be brought to a happy end, if that may be. And the name of him is Galahad.” 

What does the use of the word trial suggest in this excerpt?

a. The kingdom is under pressure from enemy countries. 

b. The kingdom has endured many hardships in the past. 

c. The old man will judge those who fail to obtain the Graal. 

d. The knights have a legal responsibility to pursue the Graal. 

b. The kingdom has endured many hardships in the past.


What is text evidence?

a. a logical argument

b. analogies used to persuade audiences

c. believable information

d. information that supports a main point

d. information that supports a main point

(Info used as text evidence is precise, descriptive and factual)


Define the two prefixes below. 



prefix semi-  means half/partly

prefix mono- means one/single

Identify the adjective in the sentence below.

The third suit is my favorite. 


(An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun. An adjective answers a question. Which one?, What kind? or How many?)


Name the participial phrase.

Shipwrecked on an island, the boys started to fish for food. 

Shipwrecked on an island

(A participle is a type of verbal that always functions as an adjective.)


Julia and her parents were headed for Palmerston Island, due west of Tahiti. Palmerston is part of the Cook Islands, has 62 residents, and is one of the most isolated inhabited places on the planet. The only way to get there is by _________ [A] boat even [B] boat; even [C] boat: even [D] boat, even in the twenty-first century.

[D] boat, even