History of Law
Rights and Freedoms
Criminal Law
Civil Law

This historical document, signed in England in 1215, states that no one is above the law

Magna Carta


This section of the Charter states a person's freedom of expression may be limited if they are promoting hate speech.

What is Section 1 (Reasonable Limits Clause)


The person charged with committing a criminal offence.

The accused


Private law, also known as civil law has 5 types. Name two

What is tort, family, contract, property, and labour


Stare Decisis

To stand by things decided (precedent)


Tradition of Civil Law comes from _____ and Common Law comes from ______

French, English


This test has been established to determine if a law unjustly infringes upon our rights

The Oakes test


This includes anything that may be used against the accused in court, including weapons, clothing, blood, and fingerprints. This has revolutionized the use of forensic sciences in law enforcement. Answer both parts of this question for the amount

Evidence and DNA


The person or party that initiates the lawsuit.

The plaintiff


Habeus Corpus

The right to appear in court in a timely manner to know why you were arrested

Canadian law is divided into these two main categories.

Substantive and procedural


This code provides protection from discrimination in five areas of our lives. It states that every person has a right to freedom from discrimination

the Ontario Human Rights Code


Name one of the three philosophies of the YCJA

  • 1.  Reduce the rate of youth incarceration by             emphasizing alternative measures for non-violent offenders

  • 2.  Reserve jail for serious violent and repeat              offenders

  • 3. Try all youths in youth court but allow for adult sentences for 14 -17 year olds guilty of serious offences


True or false - a civil hearing never has a jury



Actus Reus

The guilty act (the act or omission that comprise the physical elements of a crime)


Name two of the three categories of Public Law

Criminal, Constitutional, Administrative


Name a question asked by the Oakes test. 

Is the law’s goal “pressing and substantial”? 

Was the infringement of the individual’s right rationally connected to the law’s objective?

Was the individual’s infringed right minimally impaired?

Was the infringement of the right proportional to the law’s objective?


Defence: A) This is a condition in which a person acts without being aware of what he or she is doing, and B) this is the condition of being overpowered by drugs or alcohol to the point of losing self-control. Name both terms 

Automatism and intoxication


The "balance of probability" is similar to what in criminal law

Beyond a reasonable doubt


Mens Rea

The guilty mind - criminal intent


Name two of the five categories of Private Law

Family, Contract, Tort, Labour, Property


Name 3 of the 5 social areas where people has a right to freedom from discrimination

Services goods and facilities, occupancy of accommodation, contracts, employment, membership in vocational associations and trade unions

What are the three types of offences in Criminal Law

Summary (Minor), Indictable (Serious), Hybrid (choice to be either summary or indictable)


This is a court order that directs a person to avoid doing something for a specific period of time and can be issued as a type of civil remedy.

An injunction


Actio in personam

action against a person