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Club Real Deal Trivia
A literary device often found in poetry, this is when word endings sound the same like in "sunny" and "bunny".
What is rhyme?
This arithmetic operation is used to solve word problems with phrases like "take away" and "less than".
What is subtraction?
This famous civil rights leader gave the "I Have a Dream" speech at the March on Washington in 1963.
Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
Republicans in the House of Representatives caused this because they wanted to defund Obamacare. It went on from October 1st 2013 until today.
What is a government shutdown?
This is the Program Director for Club Real Deal.
Who is Dwayne Brown?
This genre of books has featured famous characters like Sherlock Holmes and Nancy Drew.
What is mystery?
This is the bottom number in a fraction.
What is the denominator?
This was the year when Christopher Columbus "sailed the ocean blue"
What is 1492?
This controversial policy in the New York City Police Department is currently leading to heated debates about racial profiling.
What is stop and frisk?
These are the members of the Club Real Deal education team.
Who is Ms. Rose, Ms. Christine, Mr. Jonathan, and Mr. Domo?
Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist in this young adult fiction trilogy by Suzanne Collins.
What is The Hunger Games? (Catching Fire or Mockingjay are worth half credit)
When you add this kind of number to any number x, x decreases.
What is a negative number?
He was president of the United States in the 1990s and supported Barack Obama in 2012. He once had an office in Harlem.
Who is Bill Clinton?
This is the current Democratic candidate for Mayor of New York City.
Who is Bill DeBlasio.
This is the name of the model that Club Real Deal is replicating.
What is the Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program?
This is a reading skill where you use your prior knowledge along with what is stated in the text to draw conclusions.
What is making inferences.
This is the decimal form of 1/3, up to the hundredths place.
What is .33?
The leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India, this person used non-violent civil disobedience and led India to independence.
Who is Mahatma Gandhi?
The leader of this organization lobbied against stricter gun control laws and said that teachers should carry guns in school after the Newtown school shooting.
What is the National Rifle Association (NRA).
This is the number of components that Club Real Deal has.
What is seven?
The Montagues and Capulets are sworn enemies in this famous play by William Shakespeare.
What is Romeo and Juliet?
This is the value of y when 3y - y = 10
What is 5?
This type of government is the opposite of a democracy, and was exemplified by Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin in the mid-20th century.
What is fascism/dictatorship?
This country's leader recently used chemical weapons against his own people leading President Obama to threaten military action.
What is Syria?
These are all of the Club Real Deal staff members.
Who is Mr. Brown, Ms. Tiffany, Ms. Rose, Ms. Whetstone, Ms. Nunu, Mr. Jonathan, Ms. Christine, Ms. Bianca, Mr. Matthew, Ms. Yee, Mr. Michael, Mr. Sharod, Mr. Daquan, and Ms. Veronica.