Number Lines
Place Value
Comparing Numbers
Problem Solving
Jasper jumped rope 456 times. Tim jumped 20 more times than Jasper. Name and plot the position that Tim jumped on an open number line.
What is 476 jumps?
Susan has fifty-four cents in her pocket. Show two different combinations of coins that Susan could have in her pocket. Name and draw a picture of your coins.
What is 5 dimes and 4 pennies, or 2 quarters and 4 pennies, or 1 quarter 2 dimes 1 nickel and 4 pennies, etc...
Decompose the number 584. Draw a picture to represent its parts. Include the word form of the entire number.
What is 500 + 80 + 4 = 584, five hundred eighty-four, and base ten block model with 5 flats, 8 tens, and 4 units.
Write a comparison statement that describes the relationship between the sets of base ten blocks. Use words and symbols. 1 flat 9 rods 8 units 1 flat 9 rods 4 units
What is one hundred ninety-eight is greater than one hundred ninety-four? or What is one hundred ninety-four is less than one hundred ninety-eight? What is 198 > 194 or 194 < 198?
On Friday, Bob went to Six Flags and went on 20 rides. He rode Mr. Freeze 5 times, and Batman 4 times. He rode the Titan some and The Shock Wave 4 times. How many times did Bob ride the Titan? Show your strategy on your white board!
What is Bob rode the Titan 7 times?
A number line is labeled 700 720 ____ 760. Name the number that belongs in the empty space and what the pattern is. Plot this number on an open number line.
What is 740 and counting by 20?
Using the cent symbol and dollar sign, write two different ways to express the value of the set of coins below: Dime, Penny, Nickel, Quarter, Penny, Nickel
What is 47¢ and $0.47
Which set does NOT represent the number 453? Choice 1 = 4 flats 5 rods 3 units Choice 2 = 3 flats 15 rods 3 units Choice 3 = 4 flats 4 rods 3 units Choice 4 = 45 rods 3 units
What is Choice 3 = 4 flats 4 rods 3 units?
Mrs. Brewer counted 948 balls in the gym one day. The next day, she counted 899. On the third day, she counted 1,079 balls. Finally, on the fourth day, Mrs. Brewer counted 1,159 balls in the gym. Put the number of balls in order from greatest to least.
What is 1,159, 1,079, 948, 899?
On Saturday, Jordan went to Build a Bear Workshop and saw 19 bears. She counted 4 blue bears, 5 black bears, 2 tan bears, and some pink bears. How many pink bears did Jordan see at the park? Show your strategy on your white board!
What is Jordan saw 8 pink bears?
Matt has $328 in his piggy bank. Grant has $208 in his piggy bank. If Jennifer has more than Grant by less than Matt, how much could she have? Plot this number on an open number line.
What is any number from $209 to $327?
Meagan is saving her money for a candy bar after lunch. She has collected 2 quarters, 1 dime, 3 nickels, and 2 pennies. It costs $1.00 for the candy bar. Does she have enough to buy the candy bar? If not, how much more does Meagan need to save?
What is no it isn't enough, and she needs $0.23?
The written form (word form) of 635 is __________.
What is six hundred thirty-five?
The Lego Store sold a record number of Lego kits last week. They sold 652 on Tuesday and 624 on Wednesday. On Thursday, they sold 682 Lego kits and 695 on Friday. Compare the greatest and least number of Lego kits sold using math symbols and words.
What is 624 < 695 or 695 > 624? What is six hundred twenty-four is less than six hundred ninety-five? or What is six hundred ninety-five is greater than six hundred twenty-four?
In the winter, Tina likes to bake cookies. She made 30 total cookies. 10 were snowmen, 8 were trees, 6 were stars, and some were bells. How many cookies were bells? Show your strategy on your white board.
What is 6 cookies were bells?
This weekend, Sharron read 150 pages. Renee read 100 more pages than Sharron. State the number of pages Renee read and plot the number on an open number line.
What is 250 pages?
Jenny has seventy-three cents in her pocket. What two different combinations of coins could Jenny have in her pocket? Name and draw a picture of the coins.
What is 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies, or 7 dimes and 3 pennies, or 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 3 nickels and 3 pennies, etc..
Show the Expanded Notation (form) of 576.
What is 500 + 70 + 6 = 576?
Miss Dunagin counted 898 cheerios with her niece one day. The next day, she counted 845. On the third day, she counted 1,058 cheerios. Finally, on the fourth day, Miss Dunagin counted 1,159 cheerios. Put the number of cheerios in order from least to greatest.
What is 845, 898, 1,058, 1,159?
At the beginning of the school year, Mrs. Younts bought 58 gel pens. Some were blue, 28 were green, and 14 were purple. How many of Mrs. Younts' gel pens were blue?
What is 16 blue gel pens?
Clark Middle school has 160 students in 8th grade. Wester Middle School has 100 less students in 8th grade. Using an open number line plot the number of 8th grade students at Wester Middle School.
What is 60 students?
Sarah is saving her money for a pencil from the pencil machine when she goes to school. She has collected 2 quarters, 2 dimes, 2 nickels, and 3 pennies. It costs $1.00 for the pencil. Does she have enough to buy the pencil? If not, how much more does Sarah need to save?
What is no it isn't enough, and she needs to save 17¢ more?
Show the number 524 in concrete (base ten) and pictorial model:
What is 5 flats 2 rods and 4 units?
The Cheescake Factory sold a record number of cheesecakes last week. They sold 549 on Tuesday and 529 on Wednesday. On Thursday, they sold 508 cheesecakes and 595 on Friday. Compare the greatest and least number of cheesecakes sold using math symbols and words.
What is 595 > 508 or 508 < 595? What is five hundred ninety-five is greater than five hundred eight? or What is five hundred eight is less than five hundred ninety-five?
On Thursday, Jeff went to the zoo and saw 22 animals. He counted 6 elephants, 3 zebras, 4 giraffes, and some hippos. How many hippos did Jeff see at the zoo? Show your strategy on your white board.
What is 9 hippos?