The author of Mark
who is John Mark
3 of these and you are out.
what is a strike
I am the face of Disney
Who is Mickey Mouse
I painted the Mona Lisa
who is Leonardo da Vinci
This City is the Capital of Wyoming
I Am the main character of Mark
who is Jesus
The correct name for a soccer field
This was the first Pixar movie made
what is Toy Story
Our solar system is named after what candy bar
What is a Milky Way
This animal is on the Wyoming state flag
What is a Bison. (Buffalo may be accepted if I am in a good mood)
I ran away only wearing a linen cloth when Jesus was arrested
who most likely John Mark
This Team won the first Super Bowl
This was the first Disney movie made
What is Steamboat Willie in 1928
The chemical symbol for the element mercury
This is the tallest mountain in Wyoming
What is Gannett Peak
I was the first prophet mentioned in the book of Mark
Who is Isaiah
The five colors of the Olympic rings
red, blue, black, yellow, green
There is this amount of Disney theme parks in the world
what is 12
This is the Year WWII ended
What is 1945
Wyoming has this number of counties
what is 23
While on the cross who did the bystanders think Jesus was calling out to
Who is Elijah
The number of numbers on a dart board
The first words to be said by Mickey Mouse
what is Hot Dog
The Berlin wall was torn down in this year
What is 1989
I am the Wyoming state butterfly
What is the Sheridan’s Green Hairstreak Butterfly