Counselor is showing an understanding of a youth's thoughts and emotions.
What is expressing Empathy?
A youth has fallen back into his old behavior and getting behavioral reports for the exact things the he said he was going to change.
What is Relapse?
Give three Buzz phrases for Change Talk.
What is "I can" "I need" "I wish" "I will" "I am"?
This means we are trying to "Fix" the youth.
What is Righting Reflex?
Open the door, encourage youth to talk, encourages elaboration and discussion, and leave broad latitude for how to respond.
What is Open-Ended Questions?
Supporting a youth's belief that he can change. Supporting the "Can do" attitude.
What is supporting Self-Efficacy?
A youth is thinking about change, but have not made any plans or done anything yet.
What is Contemplation?
It spells DARN when you combine the first letter of each word and is part of Change Talk.
What is Desire, Ability, Reason, Need?
A youth is minimizing his behavior. He is not taking responsibility for his actions and justifying it with everything he can come up with.
What is Rationalization?
Of the OARS, which one helps the individual listen to themselves
What are reflections
Pointing out the gap between current behavior and future goals.
What is Developing Discrepancy?
Wanting and not wanting; often mistaken as resistance
What is ambivalence?
What question should you avoid asking?
What is Why?
Can sound judgmental or threatening
List the four types of resistance.
What is Rationalization, Reluctance, Rebellion, and Resignation?
This technique collects, links and transitions.
What are Summaries?
Counselor doesn't argue or threaten; counselor stays focused and offers choices.
What is Rolling with Resistance?
A youth is making plans and talking about how he is going to change.
What is Preparation?
List three ways to reinforce Change Talk
What is Elaboration Questions, Affirmations, Reflections, and Summaries?
This is when we play the expert, blaming, labeling, premature focus, question-answer, and confrontational-denial role.
What is Traps (we use to create resistance)?
What is the deepest form of listening
What is Reflection of Feeling
"It sounds like you're scared that you might have to come back to the hospital"
What is feeling reflection
List all five Stages of Change in order.
What is Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, Relapse?
List three ways to elicit Change Talk.
What is asking for elaboration (clarification, details), reflecting it back, summarizing change talk, affirming change talk, using the importance ruler, exploring the decisional balance (pros and cons), querying extremes (worst case if they don't change, best case if they do), looking forward (how things will be after or with no change), explore goals
List two ways to roll with resistance.
What is acknowledge their feelings, reflect their position in an exaggerated way, reflect both sides of ambivalence, shift focus to a more workable issue, reframing (offer new interpretation), assure client they are in control, tell them not to change (therapeutic paradox)
The 4 strategies of MI
Open ended questions Affirmations Reflective Listening Summaries