The School Play
All Summer in a Day
Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Literary Focus
Why is Robert afraid to make a mistake during the play
He is afraid that Belinda will beat him up.
How is Margot different from the rest of the class?
She is from Earth and she remembers what the sun looks like.
What is the definition of: Tumultuously
In a wild or disorderly way.
Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. Belinda would _______ the boys' faces on the grass because she was a bully. a. Prop b. Evidence c. Apparatus d. Grind
What are the five stages of a plot?
Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.
What did Mrs Bunnin tell Robert after the performance.
She said "Almost perfect"
Describe the setting of the story? How does it effect the plot?
The story takes place on Venus where it rains constantly and only stops for one hour every seven years. Due to this, the students behave the way they do and it affects Margot's behavior as well.
Which word fits into this sentence: Only when the rain began to _________, we were able to go outside. a. Resilient b. Slacken c. prop d. relentless
Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. The rock was so _________ I could not move it. a. Resilient b. Savor c. Immense d. Affect
What is the climax of the school play?
It is when Robert delivers his lines on stage.
Which students are given lines in the play.
The ones who got perfect in their spelling tests
Why do the students lock Margot in the closet?
They were bullying her because she was different.
What does it mean to smirk?
To smile in an insulting way.
What does it mean to Analyze something.
It means to separate, or break into parts and examine.
What does it mean to put clues together with your own knowledge when reading a story?
It is making inferences.
Why does Belinda purposely try to mess up while practicing.
She is trying to intimidate Robert and she is bullying him.
What changes do the children notice when the rain stops?
They realize how noisy the tunnels were and didn't realize how quiet they could be.
Complete the sentence. It is difficult to drive through the blizzard because......
Various answers. Blizzard is a snowstorm
Is evidence important to police in order to solve a crime? Why or why not?
Yes it is because you need to find specific information to support your claim?
What can you infer from the fact that Margot does not even want to take a shower.
She is so tired from the rain that she can no longer stand getting wet. Even in a shower.
What effect does Robert's delivery of his lines have on the play?
Even though he makes a mistake, it does not have an effect, the play goes well and Belinda doesn't hurt him.
How do the children react to going outside in the sun?
They go wild, they run around, they play games and they savor every moment.
What is an object an actor uses in a play?
If you remember some information from last year are you recalling it or are you affecting it?
You are recalling it.
What is the conflict of a story?
It is the main struggle that the story is based on.