The third stage of denial.
Your body does not respond to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar. This is a chronic condition known as
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
The heart is divided in four regions. The region responsible for pumping blood to the lungs is called
The Right Ventricle
This color tube top is the last tube collected and used for glucose testing.
Grey top tube
This plane runs longitudinally along the body and splits the body into left and right sections.
The Sagittal Plane
You are caring for a bleeding wound. The blood is bright red, and the bleeding is fast. What type of bleeding is this?
Analgesics are a medication classification used to treat this symptom.
Pain Management
True or False:
A 10 year old comes into your clinic and you measure a heart rate of 90 BPM. This rate is in the expected range.
True (6-15 years old has an expected range of 70-100 BPM)
Which collection method is missing in the following list and commonly used for easy-to-collapse veins?
Evacuated Tube System
Winged Infusion System
Capillary Puncture System
Syringe Collection
The federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) created schedules for controlled substances. This schedule requires a handwritten prescription with no refills.
Schedule II
Which positioning would be best for a patient with dyspnea.
Semi-Fowler's Position
Albuterol, which is used to relax airway muscles, is this type of medication.
The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata comprise this structure.
The Brainstem
The light blue tube is collected second and is used in this type of studies.
Coagulation Studies
This "rule" is commonly used to assess the severity of a patients burn.
Rule of Nines
You are performing CPR on a child with assistance from another person. The ratio of chest compressions to breaths is
This Ancillary service helps patients compensate for the loss of function due to injury, illness, or disease.
Occupational Therapy
The standardized reference pose used in anatomy to describe the locations of body structures.
Anatomical Position
This color tube top is used in plasma determination studies.
There are three common injection sites for a parenteral intramuscular injection. Name the three sites.
Deltoid Muscle
Ventrogluteal Muscle
Vastus Lateralis Muscle
A medication is available at 160 mg per 5 mL. The patient is prescribed 240 mg of the medication. How much should be administered?
7.5 mL
Epinephrine is the primary treatment for anaphylactic shock. It reverses the symptoms by _____ of blood vessels and the _____ of airways.
The body is divided into 9 regions conveniently named for us. The region named for being below cartilage on the right side is called
The Right Hypochondriac Region
A patient informs you they passed out during their last blood collection. What adjustment should you make before beginning the blood draw?
Place the patient in a reclined position.