Context Clues
Figurative Language
Grammar Correction
Theme & Central Idea
Textual Evidence

Using the context clues text answer the following:

 In the story, what did Alex use to explore the cave?

 What is a flashlight and a map?


By using the Figurative language text answer the following question: 

Describe the sky when Sarah felt sadness in the story.

What is a golden glow across the sky?


Correct the following sentence: "Yesterday, me and my friends went to the park."

"Yesterday, my friends and I went to the park."


Using the Theme and central idea text please answer the following question:

In the heart of the forest, amidst towering trees and winding paths, lies a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. What is the central theme of the story set in the forest?

Friendship and camaraderie.


By using the Textual evidence text please answer the following question:

What did the detective find caught on a thorn bush?

A torn fragment of a blue jacket.


Using the context clues text answer the following question:

How did Alex infer the possible presence of ancient civilizations in the cave?

By noticing strange markings on the walls.


By using the figurative language text answer the following question:

How does Sarah compare memories to stars in the night sky?

Memories are compared to stars in the night sky because they shine brightly.


What should be changed in the sentence "But then, it start raining"?

"But then, it started raining."


Using the theme and central idea text answer the following question:

How does the story convey the theme of friendship, and what does it suggest about the enduring legacy of history?

The story conveys the theme of friendship by showing how the characters support and rely on each other during challenges, while also suggesting that exploring history connects individuals to the enduring legacy of the past.


By using the textual evidence text please answer the following question:

How did the detective react when he found the fabric fragment?

He felt a sense of triumph and excitement.


By using the context clues text answer the following question:

What sound did Alex hear echoing from the depths of the cave?

The fluttering of bat wings.


By using the figurative language text answer the following question:

What emotion did Sarah feel as she watched the sunset?

Sarah felt sadness as she watched the sunset.


 Correct the verb tense in the sentence: "When I got home, I was all wet and my mom gets mad at me."

 "When I got home, I was all wet and my mom got mad at me."


Using the theme and central idea text please answer the following:

Describe the significance of the hidden treasure in the story and how it reflects the central idea of the narrative.

The hidden treasure symbolizes the intangible value of friendship and reflects the central idea of exploring the legacy of history.


By using the textual evidence text please answer the following question:

Describe the significance of the fabric fragment in the investigation.

he fabric fragment links a suspect to the scene of the crime.


By using the context clues text answer the following question: 

How did Alex feel as he ventured deeper into the darkness?

Thrilled and apprehensive.


By using the figurative language text answer the following question: 

Explain the metaphor used to describe Sarah's grandmother's memory.

Sarah's grandmother's memory is compared to a beacon guiding her through life's storms.


Identify the subject-verb agreement error in the sentence: "She told me to change my clothes and not to go out in the rain again."

"She told me to change my clothes and to not go out in the rain again."


Using the theme and central idea text answer the following:

Explain how the characters' journey through the forest and ruins aligns with the central idea of the story, emphasizing the importance of friendship and the exploration of history.

The characters' journey through the forest and ruins demonstrates the importance of friendship in overcoming obstacles and also aligns with the central idea of connecting to the past through exploration and discovery.


By using the textual evidence text answer the following question: 

How does the detective use the fabric fragment as evidence?

The detective uses the fabric fragment to identify a potential suspect.


By using the context clues text answer the following question: 

Explain how Alex relied on context clues during his exploration of the cave.

By analyzing markings on the walls and sounds in the cave.


By using the figurative language text please answer the following question:

How does the author use figurative language to convey the theme of the story?

The author uses figurative language to convey that memories and relationships are more valuable than material wealth.


Rewrite the sentence using proper grammar: "I promise her that I will be more careful next time."

"I promised her that I will be more careful next time."


Using the theme and central idea text answer the following:

How does the forest setting contribute to the development of the theme of friendship and the central idea of exploring the legacy of the past?

The forest setting enhances the theme of friendship by emphasizing the natural bond and unity among the characters, while also contributing to the central idea by highlighting the connection between nature and the exploration of historical legacy.


By using the textual evidence text please answer the following question:

Explain how the detective's discovery of the fabric fragment advances the plot.

The discovery of the fabric fragment propels the investigation forward and increases the detective's determination to solve the case.