Name 2 places where clients can access our complaint form
CMHA Website or front desk
What programs does CMHA offer?
ICM, RC, Supportive Housing, Court Support, MHP, etc
How can a client be referred to services?
Caredove form on website, I&R line, walk-in form at front desk, through other agencies
What internal committees does CMHA have?
Accreditaion, JHSC, IT, CFCAC, EDIA, etc...
Identify areas of need, monitor progress, etc
How can staff access CMHA documents? (policies and procedures, forms, powerpoints, etc)
Lanteria or the LDrive
How does CMHA ensure infection prevention and control?
Handwashing training, sanitizing rooms before/after, PPE, emails about flu shot/season, etc.
Name 3 practices that are in place for staff safety
Panic buttons, file alerts, Emergency code stickers + cards, CPI, attending homes in pairs, etc.
How do you go about reporting an incident at work regarding a client?
Filling out applicable incident form, informing supervisor + HR
Name 5 ways CMHA engages in community partnerships
Hoarding coalition/ fire prevention, situation table (ADHOC), Cogeco, community trainings, etc.
Name 5 trainings that are provided to staff at CMHA
MHA, ASSIST, CPI, Indigenous cultural safety training, AODA, etc...
How does CMHA encourage wellness and work-life balance among staff?
Holiday/summer celebrations, MH days, FWA, worklife pulse survey, hour calculator, supervision forms etc...