Where someone can seek Substance use services
ITRS (Integrated Treatment and Recovery Services)
How many paid holidays do we get each year
How many days do you have to complete the treatment plan after the meeting to open it?
14 days
What is the difference between Skill Building Assistance and Supported Employment?
Skill Building Assistance is a work preparatory service and Supported Employment is for the assistance to obtain and sustain employment
how many days do you have to get an individual in front of an employer (either with you or you go on their behalf) & what is this called?
30 days from orientation date; Rapid Job Search
What is the CAC
The Consumer Advisory Council provides an opportunity for consumers who are currently receiving or have received services to advocate for individuals with mental illness, substance use disorder, and intellectual and developmental disabilities.
How many hours of PTO you get in a pay period for your first year
What are SMART goals?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Based
Provider of Skill Building
Peckham... but also CMH (if we wanted)!
How many employers do you need to have per week minimum?
How we close someone out of services
ABDN (Adverse Benefit Determination Notice)
How many years until you're vested?
What is CMH's Newsletter and where can we access it?
Voices Newsletter- our website, Facebook, and they're shared often via email
Who determines eligibility for the SEP-ICTA?
MRS! CMHA-CEI does not determine eligibility for participation in the SEP-ICTA. CMHA-CEI contributes referrals to the SEP-ICTA.
How long are follow along supports?
Time un-limited
Our partnership with MRS- state the whole name!
SEP-ICTA (Supported Employment Program- Interagency Cash Transfer Agreement)
What is the EAP
Employee Assistance Program-a short-term counseling, assessment and referral program, available to all employees and members of their household.
What is CMH's approach to decreasing client suicide?
Zero Suicide is an approach that takes the view that suicide deaths are preventable and that even one death is too many. Developed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, projects of Education Development Center, the framework has been integrated as a requirement of CMHA-CEI’s internal and agency wide Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC).
What are the Skill Building and Supported Employment Cost Centers (billing purposes)?
87501 SE and 85201 SkB
What is competitive employment under IPS?
Competitive jobs pay at least minimum wage, are jobs that anyone can apply for and are not set aside for people with disabilities.
This allows us to serve our folks in IPS
CCBHC (Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic)
Municipal Employee's Retirement and 5.28%
What is HCBS and what does it mean?
Home and Community Based Services Rule- Individuals served via Medicaid dollars must be integrated fully within their community and have access to the same conveniences, rights, and choices that people not receiving Medicaid services do
24 spots per year
What is Zero Exclusion?
All clients interested in working have access to supported employment services regardless of job readiness factors, substance abuse symptoms, history of violent behavior, cognition impairments, treatment non-adherence, and personal presentation.