A: Media Effects: scientific approach, methods, and history
B: The Active Audience and Structuration
C: Interpreting and Decoding
D: Advertising and the political economy of the audience
E: Name the theory or model

Most media effects research is consistent with this model of the audience. 

What is audience-as-outcome?


In Maslow's hierarchy, this is the kind of need that has to be met before higher order needs are met.

What are physiological needs?


In semiotics, the thing that a sign represents.

What is a signifier? 


This technology can save you time by remembering what you put in your online shopping cart.

What are cookies? 


One of the assumptions of this theoretical approach is that audience members are aware of their needs and motivations.

What is uses and gratifications? 


This is the phase of media effects research that we are currently in.

What is negotiated/transactional effects?


This audience metric relies on social media activity

What is social TV (or engagement)?


This criteria for causal relationships can only be established through experiments.

What is non-spuriousness? 


This concept is the idea that mass media systems can enable and constrain individual actions.

What is the duality of structure?


This was the first technology that allowed media consumers to time-shift their viewing.

What is the VCR? 


One of this theory/model's main contributions is the idea that media texts can be polysemic. 

What is Stuart Hall's Encoding/Decoding Model (also known as Reception Theory)? 


This method statistically combines the results of multiple studies.

What is a meta-analysis?


In expectancy-value approaches, your prior media use would inform this kind of belief.

What are descriptive beliefs? 

This concept explains how part of what makes superhero franchise films enjoyable is that you can see the connections between the stories within that franchise. 

What is intertextuality? 


These two factors determine how much you will elaborate on a message.

What are ability and motivation?


This theoretical approach assumes that your needs are shaped by social structures.

What is the uses and dependency approach?


Establishing the causal sequence of events between exposure to sexually explicit media and risky behavior is an example of this goal of science. 

What is understanding?


"The movie, Avatar is a fictional action film, but the story contains connotations about colonialism and environmentalism" is an example of this mode of audience engagement. 

What is the discursive mode? 


Much of the infrastructure on the internet that collects your data is controlled by only a few companies. Proponents of this idea try to give more agency back to the user.

What is the decentralized web?