Patient Rights
Infection Control
Tips for Talking to Surveyors
Nursing Services
Environment of Care

If a patient or a family member has a complaint,

What is enter an RL or give them a grievance form


This is what you do before and after all patient care/encounters to prevent the spread of germs

What is Hand hygiene (alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and water)


What to do if a surveyor asks you a question and you do not know the answer

What is “I am not sure but I will get you the answer”. Make sure to get the answer for them. DO NOT GUESS.?


properly identify a patient during medication administration

What is patient name and date of birth


This is how to enter a  when safe patient handling equipment is broken

What is enter a crothall request 


A patient says that a staff member took their box of candy and ate it without the patient giving it to them,

What is abuse- misappropriation


dedicated disposable patient equipment that a patient on precautions must have in their room (2 items)

What is White BP cuff and red stethoscope


I need on my uniform at all times to identify myself

What is my hsl badge?  (on display on above my waist and turned around to see the picture)


 The hospital must provide 24 hour nursing services furnished or supervised under this professional license

Registered Nurse


This how you notify pest control about pest sightings

(Roslindale/NBOC Specific)

What is:

Roslindale: Pest Log Binder

NBOC: One stop shop 


You walked away from your computer and left the patient record up and another patient sees this,

What is HIPAA violation


This is how to clean your hands after exiting a contact plus room

Soap and water only


This is how you would respond in case of fire

What is  R.A.C.E. (remove, alert, contain, extend) procedure. When in doubt look at your badge it is on the back


medication administration time window for medication compliance (3 time frames)

30 minutes before/after scheduled dose critical (Sinemet, Insulin)

1 hour before and after 2 hours total (BID,TID,q4h,q6h)

4 hours(daily, weekly, monthly medication)


This is how patient own foods must be stored in patient refrigerator

Dated properly, stored in single serving containers and disposed of properly 


you put a patient in their room because they are constantly yelling out,

What is Abuse - Seclusion


disinfectant use to clean equipment from a contact plus room

What Blue top Bleach/Clorox wipes


This is how you know how to take care of your patients

What is my assignment, hand off in EHR, and huddle/report.


find your nursing policy and procedures

What is the HSL HUB


This is how to store water  for medication administration

What is a pink pitcher dated with a single use liner . 


This document is given to all new patients and is  posted on every unit

What is Patient Rights


The definition of ‘contact time’ or ‘wet time’ when referring to disinfectant wipes

How long a disinfectant needs to stay wet on a surface in order to kill all bacteria


Keeping your patients safe while providing good care when you are checking on them frequently

What is purposeful rounding


This is the first step when  a patient is having  adverse reaction when receiving a blood transfusion and who do you report the adverse reaction to

What is stop the infusion. What is the MD


This is not allowed on the units for postings

What is Tape