What platform/site allows you to receive updates, reminders, and new information regarding CMSC131?
(kind of like pizza?)
What is piazza?
Will this compile?
int x = 0 + 2;
x = 4.2;
What is no since 4.2 is a double/float?
What does processing excel at that other languages can't do as well?
What is creating images and art?
Who can you go to to receive help in CMSC131 (excluding me)?
Who are Yoon, TAs, and ASTS tutors?
What would the following code print?
int x = 12;
int y = 8;
What is 4?
What is 1 thing you pass in as parameters into methods like rect and circle?
How many projects will you have in this course?
What is 7 projects?
What is the general term for what is being used here? (what is "rect" generally known as?)
What is a method?
It would look like this in Java:
public static void rect (int num1, int num2, int num3){
Will this compile and why?
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++){
int x = -i;
x = 10;
What is no since x was declared in the loop its scope is limited to that loop?
Let's say that project 2 is due today. What time does it need to be submitted by?
What is 11pm?
What does it mean to be out of bounds in an array?
What is a spot in the array that we haven't made and therefore can't access?
What language is Processing derived from?
What is Java?
What is the date of the 2nd exam?
What is March 28th?
What is this code doing?
int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
for (int i = 0; i<arr.length; i++){
What is iterating through an array?
How would you draw this image? (image is on lesson plan) (no need to answer as question)
size(400, 400);
circle(224, 184, 220);