Imagine that . . .
Dealer's Choice (definitions, etc)
This theory of motivation is based on how people fulfill their needs. This theory states there are primary needs that must be satisfied before a person can pursue higher level needs.
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
This type of attraction occurs when we are attracted to someone who can help us meet our goal of getting the job done and managing workplace responsibilities.
What is Task attraction?
You're listening to your coworker present an idea during a brainstorming meeting. She keeps saying things like "I'm probably wrong about this, but . . ." and "This is outside my area of expertise so I may sound dumb . . ." These are examples of what quality of language?
What are verbal qualifiers?
When you use give reasons why people should do something or believe something, providing facts and evidence, and presenting arguments which include claims, warrants, and grounds, you are using which type of proof/appeal named by Aristotle?
What is logos? [English accepted - appeals to logic]
If done correctly, this short type of speech should persuade the listener to learn more about you and what makes you distinct from other potential employees.
What is an Elevator Speech?
This theory of language & interaction seeks to explain why people shift or adjust their language patterns to mirror the patterns of other people. There are two strategies in this theory - convergence (adapting to the other person) and divergence (maximizing differences between people).
What is Communication Adaptation Theory?
This distance is appropriate for giving speeches; it happens when people are about 10 feet apart.
What is public space?
After you present an idea to your boss, she acts hostile, showing disdain for you and your ideas by attacking your self concept. She even displays nonverbal hostility by rolling her eyes and mocking/mimicking your voice. She is displaying what communication conflict-related traits?
What is verbal aggressiveness?
This perspective on leadership holds that people either possess the attributes of a leader or they do not. These traits include narcissim, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and charisma.
What is the trait perspective?
This is the final step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence.
What is Action [Call to action]?
This nonverbal theory gives us four estimates for ranges of proxemic space that people use when interacting with others. This theory also explains why individuals differ in their preferences, including their cultural background.
What is Edward Hall's theory of proxemics? [Alternative: What are zone distances?]
This type of sign has a direct one-to-one relationship with the thing it is representing.
What is a signal?
You are meeting with a client. You realize he is keeping his gaze directed at your eyes and the middle of your forehead. This type of gaze is labeled as what?
What is business gaze?
This concept, central in the study of communication since the days of Aristotle, focuses on how people's attitudes or behaviors and what can be done to reinforce, or change existing attitudes/behaviors AND how new attitudes/behaviors can be developed.
What is persuasion?
This experiential activity involves giving trainees a scenario in which the trainee analyzes the problem and offers alternatives/solutions based on the content of the training program.
What is a case study?
This theory of motivation seeks to explain the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction workers experience in their work place. This theory presents two continua (satisfied/not satisfied (dissatisfied/not dissatisfied) recognizing that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are different things, not opposite ends of the same continuum.
What is Motivator Hygiene Theory?
People high in this style of listening are concerned with attending to the full message before coming to judgement - listening for details so the issue can be analyzed from a variety of perspectives.
What is analytical listening?
After you describe the problem you are having with a client to your manager, she says, "Let me make sure I understand what you're saying, it sounds like . . . " You recognize this statement (and what follows) as what type of behavior associated with mindful listening?
What is paraphrasing?
This barrier of listening recognizes that loud noise from machinery, new text message alerts, uncomfortable chairs, the smell of someone's perfume, even a meeting room cranked up to 85 degrees all distract us from listening.
What are environmental barriers?
This conflict-related trait captures the degree to which people view conflict as a punishing situation and something that should be avoided. It is a general level of readiness, and recognizes that people experience negative consequences from conflict.
What is Taking Conflict Personally?
This theory of language focuses on language and how language affects both changes and reinforcement of attitudes & beliefs. This theory recognizes that some linguistic forms of persuasive messages are more effective than others.
What is Language Expectancy Theory?
When you use this organizational form for your persuasive presentation, you focus on the truth of a claim. You might use a topical pattern of organization because you are asserting that you have labeled information accurately, answering the question of "what is".
What is "Questions of Fact"
Imagine you meet a new coworker who seems to be able to adapt his behaviors to every new situation you have seen him in - in meetings, at happy hour, during visits with corporate trainers. His communicative behaviors are tailored to the different situations and he does this with great success. He likely has high levels of what communicative trait?
What is cognitive flexibility?
Technical skills like written/oral communication, business management skills like decision making & human relations, and personal skills like self-discipline and persistence are all skill sets associated with what term from Chapter 8?
What is an entrepreneur?
This level of competence from Chapter 7 occurs after training is complete and we have had time to practice new skills/behaviors. It occurs when we can perform a skill or behavior without putting too much thought into it.
What is unconscious competence?