What are barriers that separate land from water?
What is the Acadians would not support the British to fight in war?
Length of Battle
What is one hour?
Acadia location
What is the current area known as, Nova Scotia?
What oath did Britain require from the Acadians?
Time Period for Acadians occupying the land
What is over "100 years."
Treaty of Paris
What is the colony France was allowed to keep? St. Pierre
The Two Generals
Who were General Wolfe and Marquis de Montcalm?
Timing of The Royal Proclamation
What was created at the end of the Seven Years War?
What is forced removal of people from a specific area of land?
Affected the Battle of Sainte-Foy
What is weather that caused the arrival of French ships to be delayed?
The Quebec Act
What is recognizing the Canadien identity, language, and culture?
Major Outcome of the Battle
Oath of Neutrality
What did Britain require Acadians to taqke to keep them neutral if war broke out between Britain and France.
Imperialism & Ethnocentrism
What ideologies (ideas) supported the concept of Assimilation?
Another reason for the British to think they could not trust the Acadians
What is the Acadians were French?
Treaty of Utrecht
What is the treaty that Britain took control of Acadia through?
Area the French Retreated
What is Montreal?
Pontiac and Minweweh
Who were the leaders who organized and alliance of Indigenous groups opposing Britain's takeover?
The Royal Proclamation
What document set out guidelines for British settlement of Indigenous territories for what is now Canada?
Mi'kmaq Peoples
What is intermarriage?