Safety and Communication
Emergency Care
Basic Nursing Skills and Nutrition
Acute and Chronic Conditions

Define receptive aphasia. 

What is difficulty understanding spoken or written words. 


First sign that a person is experiencing diabetic ketoacidosis. 

What is increased hunger, thirst, or urniation: abdominal pain, deep or labored breathing and breath that smells sweet or fruity? Can be caused by too little insulin in the body. 


Define oxygen concentrator. 

What is a device that changes air in the room into air with more oxygen? 


Cause of shingles. 

What is caused by the varicella-zoster virus? 


List five rights of delegation. 

What is right task, right circumstance, right person, right direction/communication, and right supervision/evaluation.


List five physical and psychological problems associated with restraints? 

What is pressure injuries, pneumonia, risk of suffocation, reduced blood flow, stress on the heart, incontinence, constipation, muscle atrophy, loss of bone mass, poor appetite/malnutrition, depression, sleep disorders, loss of dignity, loss of independence, stress/anxiety, increased agitation, loss of self-esteem, severe injury, death?


Three things that a nursing assistant should observe for in a resident's vomit. 

What is redness, blood in it or looks like wet coffee grounds?


To blend or grind food into a thick paste of baby food consistency.

What is puree?


The cause of fungal infections. 

What is an imbalance of normal fungi caused by a weakened immune system or by taking antibiotics? 

Define mandated reporters. 

What is people who are legally required to report suspected or observed abuse or neglect because they have regular contact with vulnerable populations. 


acronym for use of a fire extinguisher and what the letters stand for. 

What is Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire when spraying, Squeeze the handle and Sweep back and forth at the base of the fire? PASS


Should ice be applied to burns? 

No. Ice can cause further skin damage. Instead use cool clean water. 


List some examples of plant-based proteins. 

What is beans, peas, soy products, vegetarian meat substitutes, nuts and seeds. 


Side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

What is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, oral sores, hair loss, fatigue and decreased resistance to infection. 


Conditions that make it more likely for a person to develop tuberculosis. 

What is more likely to spread in areas with poor ventilation or in small, confined spaced. People are more likely to get TB if their immune system is weakened by illness, malnutrition, cancer, HIV/AIDS, alcoholism or drug use. 
Define subjective and objective information. 
Subjective information is something a person cannot or did not observe, but is based on something that the resident reported that may or may not be true. Objective information is based on what the person sees, hears, touches or smells. 

What symptoms are women more than likely to experience  than men if they are having a myocardial infarction? 

Women can have heart attacks without chest pressure.  They are more likely to have shortness of breath, nausea, light headedness, stomach pain, sweating, fatigue, back, neck and jaw pain. Some feel more flu-like. 


Describe five guidelines to help prevent aspiration.  

What is sit upright at 90 degree angle, offer small pieces of food, feed residents slowly, place food in unaffected or stronger side of mouth, make sure mouth is empty before offering another bite and maintain upright position for about 30 minutes after eating or drinking? 


When a person has multiple sclerosis, what covering breaks down over time? 

What is myelin sheath that covers the nerves, spinal cord and white matter of the brain. 


List five signs of respiratory distress. 

What is gurgling sounds, difficulty breathing, elevated respiratory rate, pale/cyanotic skin, nostrils flaring, retracting, sweating, wheezing?


List five reasons that elderly people have more safety concerns than other people do.

What is dementia, confusion, illness, disability and diminished senses?

What are four guidelines that apply in any disaster situation? 

Remain calm, know locations of all exists and stairways, know where the fire alarms and extinguishers are located, know the appropriate action to take in any situation, use internet/TV/radio to stay informed of latest information. 


List six signs of poor circulation that a nursing assistant should observe for when an elastic bandage is applied. 

What is swelling, pale/gray cyanotic skin, shiny tight skin, skin that is cold to the touch, sores, numbness, tingling, pain or discomfort. 


What are people with HIV/AIDS at risk for? 

What is opportunistic infections because the immune system is weak and cannot defend itself.


When a medication is used to control a person mood and behavior. 

chemical restraints