The Body and Its (Dys)Function
Illnesses and Injuries
The Nursing Assistant Role
Signs: facial droop, sudden headache, blurred vision, slurred speech
What is a Stroke (CVA)?
Paying attention to detail, being open, observant and flexible
What is mindful caregiving?
Diabetes is a condition of this body organ and body system
What is pancreas and endocrine system?
Hours between repositioning a patient
What is 2 hours?
45 ounces in cubic centimeters
What is 1350 cubic centimeters?
FACE OFF (Worth Triple Points)- Group who can name the most warning signs will receive the points. Name the cancer warning signs
C=changes in bladder/bowel habit; A= a sore that doesn’t heal; U=unusual bleeding/discharge; T=thickening or lump in breast/elsewhere; I = indigestion/difficulty swallowing *; O=obvious changes to mole/wart; N= nagging cough/hoarseness; * unexplained weight loss
What is Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish or Evacuate?
FACE OFF (Worth Triple Points)- Group who identifies the most illnesses receive the points. Name illnesses which require contact precautions.
What is MRSA, VRE, scabies, C. difficile, Gram- negative organisms resistant to Cefepime, rotavirus, RSV, Varicella (+ Airborne)?
Person that you report to if change in patient condition
What is nurse or charge nurse?
These are the first people to be evacuated in case of an evacuation
What is ambulatory patients?
Double Points Symptoms: constipation, decreased urination, sudden confusion, sunken eyes
What is dehydration?
Term for knowing what you want to say but not being able to say it
What is aphasia?
A sign of the 2nd stage of pressure ulcers
What is blistering?
Order that the NA would report the following patient's vital signs: A) BP 120/80 HR 98 T 98.9 o2 96% RA Pain 2/10 B) BP 80/70 HR 150 T 103 o2 88% 2LNC Pain 9/10 Chest Pain C) BP 110/70 HR 55 (meds) T 96 o2 97% RA Pain 0 D) BP 180/90 HR 110 T 97 o2 100% RA Pain 5/10. This answer should be arranged in the order of priority of the patient rated by the vital signs.
What is B, D, C, A?
5 stages of grief (in order)
What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance?
System which works with Sensory and Endocrine Systems to direct all body systems
What is Nervous System?
Extent to which the resident is able to move a joint
What is range of motion?
Inflammatory disease which makes joints red, swollen, and warm during flare ups
What is rheumatoid arthritis?
Double Points- Condition where you would not use a gait belt
What is (any of the following) a) broken ribs b) abdominal surgery c) g tube d) colostomy?
FACE OFF (Worth Triple Points)- The group who lists the most correct signs will be awarded the points. List the signs of approaching death.
Decreased circulation, Eyes stare blankly, Breathing is irregular, sometimes rapid, shallow, slow or heavy, Heavy perspiration, Loss of muscle tone, limp, jaw drops, “Death Rattle” gurgling, Pulse rapid, weak, irregular, Just before death… NO Respirations, NO Pulse
Symptoms: weakness that progresses to paralysis, speech changes, vision problems
What is multiple sclerosis?
Focus on comfort care, instead of finding a cure
What is palliative care?
Double Points- Aging result of decreased bladder muscle tone
What is decreased ability to empty bladder (retention)?
Double Points- Isolation precaution name and isolation supplies for person with active shingles
What is airborne and contact precautions with gown, N95 mask, and gloves?
Stage of Alzheimer's Disease with behavioral changes
What is mid stage?