Basic Nursing Skills
Residents' Rights and Ethics
Infection Control
Communication and Teamwork
Residents with Cognitive Impairment

Describe the technique for washing hands before providing patient care.

Using soap and water for at least 20 seconds, clean all surfaces including wrists and under the nails.

Proper hand hygiene prevents infection spread.


Primary purpose of the Bill of Rights for Long-Term Care Residents in Texas.

Ensure quality care and treatment with dignity and respect. 

Outlines residents' rights and protections.


Proper sequence for donning personal protective equipment (PPE).

Gown, mask, goggles or face shield, gloves.

Prevents infection transmission.


4 strategies for effective communication with a resident who has hearing impairment.

Speak clearly, face the resident, use gestures or written communication as needed.


What is the purpose of using validation therapy when communicating with residents with dementia.

Acknowledge and accept the resident's feelings and reality. 

Maintains positive communication with confused residents.


This is the position a resident should be placed in when assisting with oral care.

The semi-Fowler's position. 

Facilitates access and prevents aspiration during oral care.


Action to take if a resident refuses treatment.

Respect the decision and report refusal to the nurse. 

Respects autonomy and ensures documentation.


Purpose of using standard precautions in healthcare settings.

Prevent transmission of infectious agents. 

Includes hand hygiene and safe practices.


The person who had a responsibility for coordinating the overall care of a resident in a healthcare team.

The nurse (charge nurse, lead nurse, head nurse) or case manager.

Promotes effective teamwork and coordination.  


How to create a calm and soothing environment for a resident with Alzheimer's disease.

Minimize noise, use soft lighting, maintain a consistent routine.

Reduces agitation in residents with Alzheimer's.


Frequency of repositioning bedridden residents to prevent pressure ulcers.

Every two hours.

Reduces the risk of pressure ulcers.  


Definition of abuse in the context of resident care.

Intentional infliction of harm or punishment causing physical or mental anguish. 

Recognizing and reporting abuse is crucial.


When to use alcohol-based hand rub instead of soap and water.

When hands are not visibly soiled. 

Effective for most germs.


What is the appropriate response if observing a fellow staff member engaging in unsafe practices.

Report the incident to a supervisor or nurse. 

Ensures a safe environment for residents.


Appropriate response if a resident with dementia becomes agitated.

Use a calm tone, redirect attention, involve in a calming activity. 

Non-pharmacological interventions for agitation.


Purpose of using a draw sheet when moving a resident in bed.

To assist with turning or repositioning without causing friction. 

Protects the skin and maintains comfort.


How to promote residents' independence in daily activities.

Encourage and assist within their abilities. 

Fosters dignity and self-esteem.


Correct way to handle linens soiled with blood or body fluids.

Wear gloves and place in a leak-proof bag for laundry. 

Prevents infection spread.


Describe the importance of documenting care accurately and promptly for healthcare professionals.

Provide a legal record, communicate with the team, track changes in the resident's condition. 

Essential for continuity of care and legal purposes.


Purpose of a memory care unit in a long-term care facility.

Provide specialized care for residents with cognitive impairment.

Focuses on unique needs and safety.  


Normal adult resting heart rate when measuring vital signs.

60 to 100 beats per minute. 

Identifies potential health issues or changes.


Purpose of the Care Plan according to residents' rights.

Individualize and guide care based on specific needs and preferences.

Personalized care goals and interventions.  


Importance of cleaning and disinfecting equipment between uses.

Prevent transmission of pathogens and reduce infection risk. 

Maintains a safe environment.


Describe the best course of action given this set of circumstances: You are a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) working in a long-term care facility. During your shift, you notice that a fellow CNA seems overwhelmed and is struggling to keep up with the workload. The residents assigned to both of you require assistance with various tasks, and the nurse in charge is busy attending to an emergency. What's your best course of action?

Approach your fellow CNA, express empathy, and offer assistance with specific tasks. Collaborate to prioritize responsibilities and work together to ensure the residents' needs are met. 

This is the best course of action as it demonstrates effective communication and teamwork. By offering help and collaborating, you contribute to a positive working environment and ensure the well-being of the residents. Teamwork is crucial in a healthcare setting, and assisting a colleague in need fosters a supportive atmosphere.


How a Certified Nurse Aide can support the emotional well-being of a resident with cognitive impairment.

Offer emotional support, engage in reminiscence therapy, promote social interactions. 

Contributes to overall quality of life and dignity.