The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach, also called the "food tube"
A disease in which food or fluids leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Gland that secretes insulin
A fruity odor on the breath is a sign of:
Food and fluids are mixed with digestive juices in this organ
Painful sore in the lining of the stomach
Peptic ulcer
Gland that regulates metabolism
This disorder is caused by a lack of the pancreatic hormone, insulin
What happens to peristalsis as we age
It slows
3 or more loose stools per day
Menopause is the result of a decrease in this hormone
Name a symptom of hypoglycemia:
cold/clammy/pale skin, double/blurry vision, shaking, trembling, hunger, tingling or numbness of skin, increased confusion, sluggish mood
The organ that produces bile
Fewer than 3 bowel movements per week or small, hard, dry stools that are hard to pass
Gland that is known as the "Master Gland"
Pituitary gland
Name one symptom of hyperthyroidism
Difficulty concentrating, fatigue, frequent bowel movements, enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)/thyroid nodules, hand tremors, heat intolerance, increased appetite, increased sweating, nervousness, restlessness, sleep problems, weight loss (or gain, in rare cases)
The organ that stores bile
Glands located on the top of each kidney that secrete epinephrine/norepinephrine and corticosteroids
Adrenal glands
Name one symptom of hypothyroidism
Hard stools/constipation, increased sensitivity to cold temperature, fatigue/lethargy, heavier/irregular menstrual periods, joint/muscle pain, pale/dry skin, depression, thin, brittle hair and fingernails, weakness, weight gain