Activities of Daily Living
Body Systems and Skills
Emotional/Mental Health
Nurse Aide Role
It's what ADL is the abbreviation for
What is Activities of Daily Living?
The number of skills that can be chosen by the state evaluator to test students.
What is 22?
The proper angle of the head of the bed when a resident is eating in bed and why.
What is 75-90 degrees, to reduce chance of choking or aspiration?
The organ that is the "quarterback" of the nervous system.
What is the brain?
The federal law passed in 1987 that protects patients and residents in long term health facilities.
What is OBRA?
The minimum amount of time required for washing hands
What is 20 seconds?
The personal hygiene skill all students will be tested on.
What is Hand Hygiene (washing hands)
The skill used to keep joints flexible and connective tendons and muscle tissue pliable.
What is ROM (range of motion)
The five senses that guide us through interpreting the world around us.
What is sight, sound, touch, taste, smell?
The practices and skills a CNA is legally allowed to perform.
What is scope of practice?
When dressing a person with an IV in their left (affected) arm, the clean shirt goes on which arm first?
What is the left arm?
PPE donned before touching anything deemed "dirty".
What is gloves?
The skill used that gives the CNA a daily opportunity to check for bed sores and other skin conditions.
What is partial bed bath, full bed bath, perineal care, or catheter care?
Slower brain impulse times can lead to slower reaction times which lead to a higher risk for....
What is falls and other household accidents?
The protection of private medical records regulation.
What is HIPAA?
The nutrient that has no calories, but is essential to life.
What is water?
Step(s) to properly dispose of urine or eliminated material.
What is pour into toilet, rinse container (graduate, bedpan, etc.), and pour rinsed liquid into toilet. Do not dry container, and put in "dirty area".
A task a nurse can assign to the CNA to support a patient's slow lower body blood circulation.
What is applying a TED stocking?
Patients with dementia may experience the sense of fear and apprehension called....
What is anxiety?
The document to be completed when there is a patient or employee accident while at the job site.
What is an Incident Report?
The name for the special diet that is all clear liquids, plus any other food that an be poured at room or body temperature
What is the full liquid diet?
The appropriate procedure to inflate the blood pressure cuff when the systolic number is already higher than 180mm Hg.
What is deflate the cuff, then reinflate to over 180mm Hg?
CNAs use a gait belt when assisting a patient to walk because this body system becomes weaker after 65-70 years of age.
What is musculo-skeletal system?
The therapy for a dementia or alzheimer's patient that encourages the person to talk about the past.
What is Reminiscence therapy?
Gossiping, being tardy for work, and showing lack of empathy for the residents are poor examples of this.
What is work place professionalism?