Purposeful Rounding
Isolation Precautions
CNA Responsibilities
Misc. CNA Skills

What is the main reason we utilize Purposeful Rounding?

What is, increase patient safety

Decreases the rate of falls and the rate of the development of pressure ulcers. It also decreases patient anxiety and the use of call lights. It increases patient satisfaction and communication. It helps detect patient deterioration early. 


Our goal for 2024 is to have 1 or less hospital-acquired C.diff infections. 

What is, true. 

In 2022, we had 7 hospital-acquired C.diff infections. In 2023, we had a total of 9 hospital-acquired C.diff infections.


Supplements (Boost, Glucerna, and Ensure) are documented as part of the nutritional count. 

What is, false. It is documented under Nutritional Supplements. 


Foley catheter care should be completed how often?

What is, BID (twice a day) & as needed. Ensure the orange sticker is being placed on the urometer, as well as documenting foley catheter care was completed. 


It is okay to label a patient specimen at the nurse's station if you forgot to bring patient stickers in the room. 

What is false, all specimens should be labeled in the patient room after verifying their name and date of birth with them. 


Simple things such as introducing yourself and describing what you are going to do in the patient room while rounding help make rounding effective.

What is, True.


What is the dwell/wet time for bleach wipes?

What is, a 3-minute wet time.

Dwell/Wet contact time is the amount of time a surface should be exposed to a disinfectant to kill pathogens.

The disinfectant should stay wet on a precleaned surface for the amount of time listed on the manufacturer’s label.


It is okay to order non-select trays when patient's are unable to call and order their food. 

What is, false. Trays should be ordered with foods that the patient likes. 


What should the wall suction be set at for the use of a Purwick?

What is; Between 40-80mm Hg


It is okay to use the first urine voided or urine already in a foley catheter bag when starting a 24-hour urine collection. 

What is false. The first urine voided should be discarded and the foley bag should be emptied and we should start fresh. 


CNAs can not help with a patient's pain, it is a nursing responsibility.

What is, false. 

First, let the nurse know via Vocera or in person. *CNAs can help in the following ways:
~Reposition. Ensure the body is in proper alignment and use pillows for support.
~Ambulate if the patient feels it will help with their pain.
~Dangle at the bedside
~Offer aromatherapy
~Encourage slow deep breathing.
~Provide heat or cold therapy as directed by the nurse.
~Provide a quiet environment for the patient to ensure they get adequate rest.


You can use an N95 that you were not fit tested for.

What is, false


How often is oral care to be completed on patients who are NPO?

What is, every 4 hours. 


How often do you change the male and female Purwick?

What is; male Purwick is changed every 24 hours & PRN. Female Purwick is changed every 12 hours & PRN. 


Is the steady (lift aid) safe to use in patients who can not stand? 

What is no. 

The Steady is intended to be used only by patients who possess the ability to stand unaided or who can stand with minimal assistance. It is not intended for long periods of sitting or transportation.


Before you leave the room, it is important to do a final exam of the room to make sure that the patient has all belongings, the room is free of clutter, the call light is accessible, and the bed alarm is on. 

What is, True.


What are the proper precautions for a patient who is positive for C.diff? (PPE and special considerations)

What is; gloves, gown, washing hands with soap and water, and using bleach wipes to clean equipment. 


What does HS care consist of?

What is, washing their face, hands, and peri area. Provide oral care this includes cleaning and soaking dentures if applicable. Provide foley catheter care. Ofer lotion or back rub. 


Why should we ensure there are no dependent loops in the foley catheter tubing?

What is, dependent loops can obstruct the flow of urine causing a reflux back into the bladder, increasing change of CAUTI. 


What is the weight limit for the ceiling lift?

What is, 600lbs. The weight limit is written on the lift. 


How often is rounding completed between the hours of 0600-2200, and 2200-0600?

What is completed hourly between 0600-2200 and every 2 hours 2200-0600.

Nurses round on the odd hours, and CNAs round on the even hours. This is to help with the timing of repositioning. 


In what order do you put on your PPE for a Special Airborne Contact precautions. 

What is, put on your gown, put on your gloves, put on your N95, and then put on your goggles or face shield. 


What does AM care consist of?

Full bath or shower (if ordered). Offer lotion and a back rub. Provide oral care, brush the patient's hair, apply deodorant, complete foley catheter care, and complete the daily CHG bath for those with a central line. Change the patient's linen at a minimum on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 


What are the two reasons why a Stat Lock should be present? 

What is, decreases the risk of accidental removal and helps alleviate traction which decreases trauma to the urethra and bladder by preventing excessive pull or traction. 


What are three reasons why patient positioning important?

What is
1. It helps decrease the risk of pressure ulcers and skin breakdown
2. Improves circulation
3. Improves respiratory function
4. Helps prevent foot drop and contractures
5. Relieves stress
6. Aids in digestion