Body Mechanics
Communication Challenges
Moving Residents

What are body mechanics?

A. The way the parts of the body work together.

B. The way broken parts of the body are fixed.

C. Mechanics who work on the body of a car.

D. Body parts that move mechanically.

A. The way the parts of the body work together.


When a person is lying on their back, what position are they in?

A. Prone position

B. Sims' position

C. Supine position

D. Lateral position

C. Supine position

What is the most important thing to do before beginning a procedure?

A. Knock on the door

B. Identify the resident

C. Close the curtain

D. Gather supplies

B. Identify the resident


If a resident is visually impaired, how can you explain where their food is?

A. Use the face of an imaginary clock

B. Tell them it is all on their plate

C. Point to where the different foods are

D. Ask them to explore their own plate

A. Use the face of an imaginary clock


When using a transfer (gait) belt, how should it be placed?

A. Under the resident's clothing

B. Over the resident's clothing

C. Loosely so it is not uncomfortable

D. With the buckle centered on the belly button

B. Over the resident's clothing


Which muscles should be used for lifting heavy objects?

A. The back muscles

B. The arm muscles

C. The leg muscles

D. The back and arm muscles

C. The leg muscles


When a person is lying on their side, what position are they in?

A. Sims' position

B. Fowler's position

C. Prone position

D. Lateral position

D. Lateral position


Which of the following is an example of nonverbal communication?

A. Smiling

B. Writing a report

C. Talking on the phone

D. Explaining a procedure

A. Smiling


If a resident is hearing impaired, where should the light be when you are talking to them?

A. On the resident's face

B. On your face

C. The light should be dim

D. The light should be off

B. On your face


When moving a resident, the NA should:

A.  Bend his knees and keep his back straight.

B.  Position his back at a 45 degree angle.

C.  Keep his own knees bent at all times.

D.  Position his own arms tightly together.

A.  Bend his knees and keep his back straight.


When carrying objects, where should they be held (except for clean/dirty linens)?

A. Away from the body

B. Close to the body

C. Over the head

D. Under the arms

B. Close to the body


How often should a resident who is bedbound after surgery be repositioned?

A. At least every 2 hours

B. Once every hour

C. Once a shift

D. Whenever skin damage is seen

A.  At least every 2 hours


Which of the following is an example of objective information?

A. Mr. Smith is grouchy.

B. Mr. Smith has a headache.

C. Mr. Smith is depressed.

D. Mr. Smith's BP is 148/94.

D. Mr. Smith's BP is 148/94


If a resident is anxious, how should you communicate with them?

A. Quickly and loudly so they can focus on your words

B. Do not communicate with an anxious resident

C. Calmly and clearly with simple words and phrases

D. Communicate with them only when necessary

C. Calmly and clearly with simple words and phrases


The majority of injuries in a healthcare facility are due to:

A. Poisoning

B. Burns

C. Falls

D. Crime

C. Falls


When turning, which action is correct?

A. Twist at the waist

B. Jump into the new position

C. Do not turn when moving

D. Pivot with the feet

D. Pivot with the feet


A female resident is being prepared for a pelvic exam. In which position should she be placed?

A. Dorsal recumbent position

B. Lithotomy position

C. Sims' position

D. Low (semi) Fowler's position

B. Lithotomy position


Which of the following is an example of subjective data?

A.  Mrs. Smith has a fever

B. Mrs. Smith's daughter visited today.

C. Mrs. Smith is nauseated.

D. Mrs. Smith ate all her supper.

C. Mrs. Smith is nauseated


When dealing with an angry client, the CNA should be:

A. Assertive and insist the client listen to them

B. Loud so the client can hear every word

C. Remain passive and quiet

D. Remain calm and speak normally

D. Remain calm and speak normally


The wasting away of muscles due to immobility is called:

A. Contractures

B. Constipation

C. Atrophy

D. Apnea

C. Atrophy


Proper body mechanics involves a wide base of support. How far apart should the feet be?

A. Close together

B. 3-4 inches apart

C. 6-8 inches apart

D. 12-18 inches apart

D. 12-18 inches apart


Sims' position is uniquely useful for which two procedures?

A. Eating and oral care

B. Sleeping and resting

C. Enemas and rectal temps

D. Talking and watching tv

C. Enemas and rectal temps


Write 7:54 p.m. in military time



You see "FWB" on your resident's care plan. This means:

A. This resident must stay in bed at all times.

B. This resident can bear weight on both legs.

C. This resident can only bear weight on one leg.

D. This resident has four wheels on their bed

B. This resident can bear weight on both legs.


Which of the following can prevent shearing when moving a resident up in bed?

A. Rubber sheet

B. Fitted sheet

C. Cover sheet

D. Draw sheet

D. Draw sheet