Are children allowed to have paci clips?
When should the children wash their hands?
At arrival, potty/diapering time, coming in from outside, before lunch, any time they touch their face at minimum
When is a good time to be on your cell phone?
On Break
How many pictures should be posted daily???
2 One in the AM and one in the PM that is engaging and not eating or napping.
When and how often does the changing table get cleaned?
Between each use
Where should all personal items including bookbags and purses be kept?
In a lock closet or tallest shelf/cabinet in the classroom.
How often do children get changed when in pullups/diapers?
What is the expectation of teachers during free play?
Teachers should be engaged with the children while flowing through the classroom. You can not stay perched in a specific spot in the room and just watch.
How often should EOLs be changed out.
Every month with a minimum of 2 EOLS.
When should you take out your trash?
When you go to break and at close down. If it needs removed sooner, call for management.
What is the policy for going outside.
The teacher must call for a member of management to walk the class out to the playground then when ready to come back inside, the teacher MUST use the walkie talkie to call for management again. You can not go out or back in without management. You must wait!
When should water be available for the children?
At all times. If a child states they are thirsty, you are to offer them a cup of water.
True or False: It is ok for me to stand in my doorway with my back turned to the class to talk to others in the hallway/office.
What all is required to be posted on CN Moments.
Meals, diapers, curriculum, pictures
How long should it take to close down a classroom.
No more than 20 minutes.
When on break, I can hang out where?
In an EMPTY classroom, the office, my car, or in the other building.
True or False: Brooms and cleaners can be left down and out as long as you are using them.
False: Unless they are in your hand, they must be up at all times.
State the ratios for each age group.
Inf: 1:6
Ones: 1:8
Twos: 1:10
Threes: 1:15
SA 5 and up 1:20
True or False: When a child enters my room, I have to write them on my class roster.
True: If a child is under your supervision, you must have it documented.
True or False: It is ok to leave toys on the ground at all times because the children are playing with them even when going outside.
False: While children are playing with them, they should still be tidied up to ensure no safety hazards and should all be up and classroom clean before going outside.
What is required to go outside with you?
Walkie talkie and roster
State the diapering procedure.
What should you as a teacher be doing while on the playground with your class?
You should be walking around the playground engaged with all children and watching for hazards.
Where should art be displayed in the classroom?
At eye level.
What is our laundry schedule?
Infants: daily
Ones: Monday
Twos: Tuesday
Threes: Wednesday
Fours: Thursday