Aging and Development
Personality and Developmental Theories

Cognitive Development and Intelligence
Social Issues and Psychology
Health and Demographics

All of the following are true about death in old age, except..

What is.. Increased education about death, dying, and advanced directives increases fears. 



All of the following are personality types identified by Holland’s Occupational Choice Theory, except:

What is... Adventurous 


This type of thinking, which is associated with creativity, occurs when thinking in novel and unusual directions.

What is... Divergent thinking.


Johnny has been a victim of of a bully who, unprovoked, will intimidate Johnny in a hallway in front of peer purposely to humiliate him, and johnny feels unable to defend himself. This type of aggression/bullying is called? 

What is.. Hostile aggression 


What are the four primary forces that make up the biopsychosocial framework?

Biological forces, Psychological forces, Sociocultural forces, Lifecycle forces.


What percentage of the U.S workforce is female?

What is...47%


Marcy, advocating for changes to laws despite her current views, is in what stage of Kohlberg’s Moral Development?

What is.. Social Contract. 


An Adolescent, Wendy, responds to her mother's advice about a stressful friendship situation with, "That may have worked when you were a teenage, but things are different now and you just don't understand." Her answer is an example of..

What is.. Personal Fable 


Elder abuse is a growing problem in the U.S. Approximately how many elders are victims of elder abuse each year on average?

What is... Five Million.


Lev Vygotsky labeled the difference between what a child can do independently and with assistance as?

What is... Zone of proximal development. 


This group tends to be the least concerned with dying..

What is.. Late adulthood 


Piaget theorized there are four times when equilibration, inadequate schemes are reorganized or replaces with more advanced and mature schemes, occurs during development. These stages are called?

What is... Sensorimotor, Pre-Operational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational. 


This form of intelligence in older adults reflects socially and culturally mediated bodies of knowledge and increases with age...

What is.. Crystallized intelligence. 


The parenting style associated with high control but low warmth and responsiveness is?

What is... Authoritarian. 


The current average life expectancy at birth in the United States for males and females is?

What is... 81.0 females/76.2 males. 


This group tends to be less concerned with dying. 

What is.. late adulthood. 


The following theorist is not ordinarily associated with developmental stages... 

What is... B.F Skinner


Parents often unwittingly reinforce the very behaviors they want to discourage, a situation called? 

What is... negative reinforcement trap.