A plan by U.S. President Donald Trump calls for $1.5 trillion to do what?
America`s infrastructure, its roads, tunnels, railways, water, power, and even broadband internet projects.
A high school in Illinois was recently awarded Guinness World records for having the highest number of what in a single class?
What did the company Ehang do last week in regards to technology?
Which of these foods was invented the most recently?
a. 1000, b. 2000, c. 3000, d. 4000
What company announced that it was raising entrance fees to its U.S. theme parks, citing the need to "spread attendance" throughout the year as one reason for the change?
The painting technique of brushing pigments onto dry plaster is known as what?
From 1789 to 1914, most of the U.S. government`s revenue came from what?
Which event was not part of the first Winter Olympics, which were held in 1924?
President Tsai Ing-wen, thanked all the first responders after his country suffered a 6.4 earthquake, what country is he the president of?
a. taiwan, b. China, c. Japan, d. Russia
Which of these terms comes from a Latin word for "puffing up"?
In what city would you find the world`s most-visited art museum?
The first Winter Olympics took place in 1924. In what country were they held?
a. france, b. norway, c. germany, d. switzerland
Which of these scientists is famous for inventing a telegraph system?
a. Thomas Edison, b. Alexander Graham Bell,
c. Samuel Morse, d. Johannes Gutenberg
Which of these countries is located on the island of Hispaniola?