Definition of Terms
Important People
Career Counseling & Interventions

"a lifestyle concept..." "the course of events constituting a life...the total constellatin of roles played over the course of a lifetime"

What is career?


coined the term "true reasoning" and gave the lecture, "The Ideal City." Discussed the need for young people to receive assistance in the choice of vocation. 

Who is Frank Parsons?


leading developmental approach...people different in important self-characteristics & self-concepts; that their self-concepts make them suitable for a number of occupations; each occupation requires specific worker traits and hat these requirements are flexible enough to allow for a variety of persons within specific occupations; and that self-concepts evolve over time, making choice and adjustment continuous processes for everyone

What is Super's Life Span Life Space Theory?


measure interests

examples: Career Occupational Preference Survey (COPS)

Career Decision Making System (CDM-R)

What are interest inventories?


Established through counseling techniques like reflections, unconditional positive regard, etc. 

What is rapport?


"The lifelong psychological and behavioral processes as well as contextual influences shaping one's career over the lifespan" "involves the person's creation of a career pattern, decision making syle, integration of life roles, values expression & life-role self-concepts"

Career Development


Developed hope-action theory...being hopeful, self-reflecting, developing self-clarity, visioning, goal-setting & implementing/adapting

Who are Niles, Yoon & Amundson


focuses on individual differences and personality types; certain personality types will be better suited for certain careers

What is John Holland's Theory of Personality Types & Person-Environment Interactions


looks at areas of competence, preference, and need for development...can be used to identify occupations, college majors, etc.

What are skills inventories?

is moderately to highly effective in helping clients resolve their career concerns
What is career counseling?

any activities that empower people to cope effectively with career development tasks

What are career development interventions?


coined term "cognitive clarity" and asserted that clients must be able to objectively assess their own strengths and weaknesses and relate the assessment to environmental situations

Who are Brown and Brooks (1991)


Two part theory--first focuses on the origins of career choice (genetic endowment and special abilities, environmental conditions, learning experiences & task-approach skills), second focuses on career counseling...helps career counselors know what they can do to help clients make effective career decisions

What is John Krumboltz's Learning Theory of Career Counseling?


Ex: Myers-Briggs

Measure personality types--extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition vs thinking-feeling, & judging-perceiving

What are Inventories of Personality type?


When the client and counselor discuss client's view of self; client's family & client's significant work & life experiences, along with the counselor's theory and how the counseling process will evolve

What is the beginning phase of counseling?


a formal relationship in which a professional counselor assissts a client or group of clients to cope more effectively with career concerns

What is career counseling?


Coined the term "mattering" and argued that emotional support to clients helps clients feel that they matter--their mean something to someone else

Who are Schlossberg, Lynch & Chickering (1989)?


incorporates differential, developmental & dynamic into one approach...Personal stories are used instead of assessments

What is Savicka's Career Construction Theory?


measures of 6 work values--achievement, independence, recognition, relationships, support & working conditions

Value inventories


This is the time when a client's concerns and goals are explored in depth & a specific plan of action for career counseling is more fully developed and implemented. 

What is the middle or working phase of career counseling?


the systemic attempt to influence the career development of students and adults through various types of educational strategies, including providing occuptaitonal information, infusing career-related concepts into the academic curriculum, offering various website-based experiences, and offering career planning courses

What is career education?


Argues that career counseling consists of three overlapping and sequential phases--beginning, activation & completion

Who is Spokane (1991)?


Holistic approach, looks at careers for a more socially-just world, looks at approach to roles (family & gender), looks at diversity & spirituality

What is Hansen's Integrative Life Planning?


pretest-post-test, notice difference before and after treatment

What is inventories measuring progress or change?


The point in counseling where career counselors connect the work done in the beginning and middle phases of career counseling by assessing the client's current status and relating that to the client's goals. IF the client's goals have been achieved, termination becomes the focus. 

What is the ending or termination phase of career counseling?