A transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa, and the European continent. It appeared as early as the second century and traveled mainly by merchants.
The silk road
What is the date for the 2024 Chinese Lunar New Year?
February 10, 2024
What is the traditional food eaten during Mid-autumn Festival?
Moon Cake
World's Highest Wonder, It is on the border of Tibet and Nepal
Mount Everest
What is the most popular social media platform in China
WeChat (微信)
What are the “Four Great Inventions” in ancient China?
Compass gunpowder papermaking printing
Which color do Chinese use during Chinese New Year as a color symbol of happiness, success, beauty, and good luck?
Red (红色)
What is "Hot pot" in Chinese?
huǒ guō
What is the name of 2 main river that rise up Chinese civilization?
Chang Jiang / Yang Zi Jiang / Yang Zi River, and Huang He / Huang River
What is China's largest e-commerce and shopping platform?
Alibaba (阿里巴巴)
In what dynasty were Terracotta Warriors constructed?
Qin Dynasty
What are the four (4) major festivals in China?
Chinese New Year
Tomb-sweeping estival
Dragon boat festival
Mid-autumn festival
What is the famous duck dish originating in Beijing?
Peking Duck
This city held the 2010 World Exposition.
What city is considered China's "Silicon Valley?"
Shenzhen (深圳)
Who is the last emperor in China?
Pû Yi (溥仪)
Why do they give red envelopes with money inside on Chinese New Year to children?
To wish for good luck and prosperity (机上如意)
What is the most important characteristic of Sichuan Cuisine?
Being incredibly pungent and spicy
How many time zones do Chinese territory span from east to west?
5 (五)
When did China's "Open-door policy" open the country to foreign investment and encourage the development of a market economy and the private sector?
What was developed by the Zhou Dynasty, the idea of linking a just ruler with divine will?
The Mandate of Heaven
What do people eat on Lantern Festival?
Glutinous Rice Dumplings (inside has sweet bean paste) (元宵)
Sichuan is known as the spicy food land in China. They have many chilli and spicy food there.What is Shui Zhu Yu?
Spicy boiled fish
This province has the most ethnic groups?
Yunnan (云南)
What is the world's fastest commercial train, clocking in at 431 kph (303 mph)?
Shanghai Maglev