Signs & Symptoms
Relapse Prevention

This disorder is a combination of a manic phase (a sudden onset of exhilaration and excessive good mood), and a depressive phase (feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and prolonged sadness). For some, it may also include periods of psychosis (experience of delusions or hallucinations). 

What is Bi-Polar Disorder?


Characterized by overwhelming feeling of worry

What is an Anxiety Disorder (there are multiple types)?


Behaviors you engage in to promote feelings of wellness and improve resiliency

What is self-care?


What percentage of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by some form of substance abuse or dependence? 25%, 50% or 75%

What is 50%?


This musician has been very open about her issues with mental health and substance use disorders, she is currently taking a step back from the limelight to recover from a relapse in 2018.

Who is Demi Lovato?


Name 3 symptoms of Depression

What is: feelings of despair and hopelessness feeling detached from life and those around you continued fatigue or loss of energy feelings of sadness – crying for no apparent reason inability to concentrate or make decisions thoughts of suicide changes in eating or sleeping patterns persistent or recurring headaches or frequent gastrointestinal upsets Losing interest in activities that are enjoyed?

This disorder has several features depending on which of the three types you have: hyperactive, inattentive or combined type

What is ADHD? 


These are indicators that an individual is about to relapse and may include a change in thinking- I can use again and maintain moderation; withdrawing from social network- not attending support groups, isolating from friends/family; a case of the "F&*%-it's"; and/or denial

What are warning signs?


True or False: 10% of people who are dependent upon or abuse alcohol and 20% of people who are dependent upon or abuse street drugs also have at least one serious mental illness?

What is false? The percentages are much higher 37% for alcohol and 53% for drugs. 


These famous people are all diagnosed with this disorder: Jim Carrey, Ellen Degeneres, J.K. Rowling, Robin Williams, and Anthony Bourdain

What is Depression?


This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety as well as flashbacks. It is common among victims of crimes and people in the military.

What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?


This disorder is characterized by low moods most days and can include hopelessness, helplessness, a loss in pleasure (anhedonia), suicidal thoughts, change in appetite and/or changes in sleep

What is Major Depression? 


These are people that should be aware of your relapse prevention plan including your motivation for recovery, warning signs, triggers, coping skills, self-care needs and even how to approach you if they have concerns 

What is a support system? (sponsor, spouse, supportive loved ones, other sober supports, therapist, psychiatrist) 


Trauma is common for individuals who are experiencing substance use disorders and mental health disorders. Name 3 different types of life events which could be traumatic. 

What are: 

death of family member, lover, friend, teacher, or pet; divorce; physical pain or injury (e.g. severe car accident); serious illness; war; natural disasters; terrorism; moving to a new location; parental abandonment/neglect; emotional/physical/sexual abuse; witnessing a death; sexual assault (rape or other nonconsensual sexual behaviors); domestic abuse/ intimate partner violence; prison stay


This is an important number to know! It can link you with local resources, homeless shelters, suicide support line and community mental health/substance use services in your area. 

What is 211?


 sweating, nausea, trembling and numbness in the legs or hands, dizziness, hot or cold flashes, a feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest, hyperventilation, “jelly” legs or blurred vision can develop. Individuals may even feel like they are going to die of a heart attack" are symptoms of this. 

What Is a Panic Attack/ Anxiety attack?


Characterized by a loss with reality and can be the result of a psychiatric disorder such as Bipolar II Disorder and schizophrenia or can be induced by substance use

What is psychosis?


Name 3 areas that should be addressed in your self-care plan.

What are physical needs, psychological needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, personal/relational needs, and professional/academic needs?


These _______ factors can affect mental health and Substance use: Injury to the brain in the womb or during birth • Exposure to drugs in the womb • Exposure to toxins in the environment like lead in lead paint • Nutrition and health while growing up • Where people live, work, or go to school • Familial and social relationships

What are Environmental factors? 


This age group says they feel most stigmatized by their mental illness

What is the age group 15-25? 


Name 3 signs that a person could be suicidal

What are: direct suicide threats such as “I want to die,” or indirect threats such as “You would be better off without me”/ personality changes or withdrawn behavior/ hoarding medication/ giving away prized possessions/ lack of interest in future plans/ isolation from friends and colleagues/ depression?


These symptoms indicate an episode of what: 

  • Abnormally upbeat, jumpy or wired.
  • Increased activity, energy or agitation.
  • Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria)
  • Decreased need for sleep.
  • Unusual talkativeness.
  • Racing thoughts.
  • Distractibility.

What is a Bipolar II Disorder Manic episode? 


There are several different types of support group meetings available to individuals in recovery in addition to Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Name 2 other types of support groups.

What are Refuge Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, SMART Recovery, Gamblers Anonymous, Co-dependents Anonymous, NAMI (Nationaly Alliance on Mental Health)?


Genetics, gender, and personality traits are examples of what type of factors.

What are the biological factors?


This organization provides education and support groups on mental health issues for individuals, family members, and loved ones. This group also works to shape public policy regarding Mental Health.

What is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)?