Mental Health
Substance Abuse
Recovery Related

known as dual diagnoses or comorbidity, are when a person has two or more disorders or illnesses at the same time. 

What is co-occurring disorders? 


A client reports feeling overwhelmingly sad and empty most of the day, nearly every day. They describe a sense of hopelessness about the future and a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed, such as reading and hiking. Client as experienced occasional thoughts of death and has mentioned that they sometimes wonders if life is worth living. Client reports being tired and lacking in energy, even after what they perceives as a full night of sleep and stuggles to focus.  

What is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)? 


Client reports drinking heavily almost every day, typically consuming a bottle of whiskey or several beers each evening. Thier tolerance has increased over time, and often finds themself drinking more than intended. Client expressed thier at risk of losing thier job due to poor performance, relationships with spouse and children are deteriorating, has frequent stomach issues, noticeable weight loss, persistent fatigue, and has tried to cut down on drinking several times without success. 

What is Alcohol Use Disorder? 

Bonus Point: Would client score at mild, moderate, or severe?  


is a person-centered, directive counseling approach designed to enhance an individual's motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence to change. 

What is Motivational Interviewing (MI)? 


refers to proactive measures and strategies designed to reduce the likelihood of negative outcomes, such as diseases, injuries, or social problems, before they occur. 

What is prevention? 


refers to thoughts or feelings about wanting to die or being indifferent to living, but without any concrete plans or intentions to actively end one's life. 

Examples: “Sometimes I think it wouldn’t matter if I just didn’t wake up tomorrow.” , “I guess if something happened to me, I wouldn’t really care.” , or “I don’t want to die, but if I did, I don’t think I’d be upset about it.” 

What is passive suicidal ideation? 


Client enrolls to a recovery center that is dual diagnosis what is the primiaray foucs of treatment and what is secondary? 

Substance use disorder primary

Mental health disorder secondary  


A client reports excessive and uncontrollable worry about various aspects of thier life, including thier job performance, financial stability, and health. Despite having a stable job and good health, they find themself constantly worrying about potential problems and scenarios that are unlikely to occur. Client has difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep due to racing thoughts. They frequently wakes up during the night, feeling anxious about the day ahead. 

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)? 


Client reports that they has been using meth daily, often taking larger doses than initially intended. What started as occasional use to enhance work performance has turned into a routine part of thier day, with them consuming meth to stay awake and alert for long hours. Client reports experiencing frequent mood swings, irritability, anxiety, weight loss, insomnia, and frequent headaches work has been impacted, often withdrawn, irritable, has difficulty maintaining social connections and attempted to quit using meth on several occasions but has struggled with intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms. 

What is Amphetamine Use Disorder? 


evidence-based form of psychotherapy that focuses on the interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It aims to help individuals understand and change negative or maladaptive thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to emotional distress and mental health issues. 

Ex: challenging distorted or unhelpful thoughts and beliefs 

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? 


refer to intense, often overwhelming desires or urges to consume a specific substance or engage in a particular behavior, can range from mild urges to strong, compelling desires that can be difficult to resist.

What are cravings? 


refers to thoughts or plans about ending one’s life that involve a clear intention and, often, a specific plan for how to carry out the act, and means.

What is active suicidal ideation? 

Bonus point: What are the next steps?  


Client has been struggling with intense emotional instability and unstable relationships for most of thier adult life. Client experiences extreme mood swings that can shift from intense happiness to deep despair within a matter of hours. These emotional fluctuations are often triggered by minor events, making them feel overwhelmed and out of control. Tends to idealize people initially but quickly shifts to devaluing them when conflicts arise or when they perceives rejection. Fearful of being abandoned and often goes to great lengths to prevent perceived abandonment. May become overly clingy, push people away, engages in impulsive and self-destructive behaviors, history of self-harming behaviors, struggles with a sense of identity and has difficulty feeling fulfilled or content, feels disconnected from reality or as though they are observing their life from outside thier body.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) ? 


Client has been experiencing significant mood swings for the past few years, but the episodes have become more pronounced over the last six months. Client has an elevated mood, increased energy, and impulsive behavior. During this period, they felt euphoric and invincible, leading them to take on multiple projects at work and make spontaneous, expensive purchases. They slept very little, sometimes only a few hours a night, and felt like they didn’t need sleep at all. Following, client reports a profound low mood, lack of energy, and disinterest in activities they once enjoyed. They have been feeling hopeless and overwhelmed, with significant difficulty getting out of bed and performing daily tasks.

What is Bi-Polar I? 

Bonus Point: If you say what is being shown in this scenario.  


Client has been struggling with use for the past four years.Their addiction began after a prescription for opioid painkillers following a dental surgery and has progressively worsened. They initially used prescription oainkillers as directed, but over time, they found themself increasing the dosage to achieve the same level of pain relief and euphoria. They started borrowing money from friends and family. Thier spouse is frustrated by the lack of communication, emotional distance, while thier children are upset by thier frequent absences and mood swings.

What is Opioid Use Disorder? 


is a comprehensive approach to treating substance use disorders that combines medication with counseling and therapy. Involves medication to help reduce cravings, manage withdrawal symptoms, and prevent relapse.

What is Medical-Assisted Treatment (MAT)? 


refers to a targeted set of actions or strategies designed to support individuals in their journey toward recovery from addiction, mental health conditions, or other challenging situations.


a carefully planned process that aims to help someone recognize and change self-destructive behaviors, addictions, or feelings

What is recovery intervention? 


is a structured, personalized strategy designed to help individuals manage their suicidal thoughts and reduce the risk of self-harm. 

Should include: Recognizing Warning Signs, Coping Strategies, Social Support, Safe Environment, Emergency Contacts, and Resources such as (CSU). 

What is a SI safety plan? 


made when yeast ferments the sugar in grains, fruits and vegetables. Made use in alcohol. 

What is Ethanol? 


A reports experiencing persistent auditory hallucinations where they hear critical voices that comment on thier actions and make derogatory remarks about them. They experience paranoia, believing that thier colleagues are plotting against them or spying on them. Alongside, they also express persistent sadness, lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities, and feelings of worthlessness. During these episodes, they struggle with low energy and difficulties concentrating. Additionally, they report elevated mood such as increased energy, and impulsive behavior. During these times they engage in risky behaviors, sleeps very little, often feels overly confident and has difficulty recognizing the consequences of their actions.

What is Schizoaffective Disorder? 

Bonus Point: Why is this Schizoaffective and not Schizophrenia? 


Client often inhales from aerosol sprays, glue, or paint thinners. Thier use typically occurs in private settings or with a small group of friends who also use. They report a strong urge to use them whenever they feel stressed or anxious. Thier grades have dropped from A’s to D’s, at risk of failing out of college, including persistent headaches, dizziness, nasal irritation, often avoids social activities and events that don’t involve use.

What is Inhalant Use Disorder? 


A trained therapist or counselor leads the group, guiding discussions, setting goals, and providing therapeutic interventions.

Helps individuals in recovery by providing peer support, shared experiences and accountability.  

What is group therapy ? 


refer to specific stimuli or situations that provoke an emotional, psychological, or physiological response that can lead to a desired or undesired behavior. Is often associated with events, people, places, or internal states that prompt cravings, relapse, or other significant reactions. 

What are triggers? 


refers to the deliberate and intentional act of causing physical injury to oneself as a way to cope with emotional pain, distress, or psychological suffering. It is often used as a method to manage or express overwhelming emotions or to gain a sense of control. 

EX: Cutting, burning, hitting, scratching 

What is self-harm? 

Bonus Point: Does self-harm mean someone is suicidal?   


Client is shaking visibly, especially in his hands, is sweating profusely despite a cool environment. Client has been vomiting intermittently and complains of stomach discomfort. Client reports frequent diarrhea, muscle pain and cramping.They has a persistent runny nose and watery eyes.

What are withdrawal symptoms? 


Client reports frequently having distressing flashbacks and nightmares related to the accident. During these episodes, they feel as though they are reliving the traumatic event, which causes intense emotional and physical distress. They also experience intrusive thoughts about the accident that disrupt their daily life, actively avoids reminders of the traumatic event and withdrawed from social interactions and feels detached from friends and family.

What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? 


Client reports using Xanax for the past year. They initially started taking the medication as prescribed for anxiety. They have began increasing thier dosage beyond what was prescribed. They frequently takes extra pills to achieve a greater sense of calm or to help them sleep. Client reports experiencing the following drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, relationships have become strained and cited for driving under the influence. 

What is sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic use disorder? 


emphasizing the importance of being fully present and aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It helps individuals observe their experiences without judgment and respond to them in a more balanced way.

What is mindfulness? 


is a comprehensive, individualized strategy designed to address and manage substance use disorders. It outlines the specific interventions, goals, and strategies that will be employed to help an individual achieve and maintain recovery. Tailored to the individual’s unique needs, preferences, and circumstances, and it typically involves a combination of therapies, support, and lifestyle changes

What is a treatment plan for substance abuse? 


an urgent threat or significant risk to an individual’s well-being, safety, or stability. This can include physical danger, emotional distress, or a major life disruption.

What is a crisis?