Co-teaching models
1 minute
LET Problems
1 minute
ETA Problems
1 minute
Is this co-teaching?
30 seconds
EFL fun facts
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In this model one teacher teaches the entire class while the other moves around the classroom * assisting individual students * answering questions *monitoring progress and behavior * assessing students
"One Teach & One Assist/Drift Model"
My ETA just wants to play games all of the time. He/She does not understand that we have to get through the book. How should this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
The school is making us use a terrible textbook that we HAVE to finish by the end of the school year. It has so many errors and is uninteresting for students. How can this problem be resolved?
Answers may vary
The LET teaches the first 20 min of the class and the ETA teaches the second half of the class. In other words taking turns to teach. Is this co-teaching?
What is the username and password for Reading A to Z?
In this model teachers both teachers are teaching together at the same time with all of the students. Teachers are able to model, demonstrate interactions, debate ...
"Team teach/ 2 Teach Model"
My ETA is always asking me sooooooooooo many questions and it takes up so much of my time. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
I really wanted to teach cultural topics but my LET says there is no time because we need to get through the text book. I had an entire unit planned on winter holidays and I never even got to use it. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
The ETA teaches only in English and the LET supports the ETA by translating everything that is said into Mandarin. Is this co-teaching?
Name 2 benefits of using read alouds in the EFL classroom
Reading aloud facilitates young learners’: vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, expressive ability, verbal fluency, writing ability, or even learning interests.
In this model small groups of students are rotating to different areas in order to practice targeted skills/content. Each teacher is in charge of their own area teaching the skill/content.
"Station/Center Teaching"
My ETA talked directly to our school principal about a new project idea and did not even consult me. This is so inappropriate and offensive. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
Why am I here? I am completely underutilized, all I do is act like a parrot reading vocabulary words or dialogues from the book. If I am not parroting I'm sitting in the back of the class doing nothing. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vay
Once a week the LET and ETA sit down and plan together for the upcoming week. They decide each teachers role in each lesson and who is responsible for any materials preparation. Is this co-teaching?
What are the 2 most effective instructional strategies as learned in the differentiated instruction workshop? (hint-Think about the pyramid)
1. Teach others/immediate use of learning 95% 2. Practice by doing 75%
The class is divided into half, and each teachers the same things to a mixed group of students.
"Parallel Teaching Model"
My ETA does not look American. How am I supposed to explain this to my students and parents at my school. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
My LET sometimes uses poor pronunciation and grammar in class. I am too afraid to correct him/her in front of the students, but I'm afraid that the students will learn "bad" English. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
ETA works only with the advanced/gifted students and the LET works with the rest of the students. Thus being able to lesson plan, prepare and teach separately.
Are there more native or non-native English Speakers in the world? What is the ratio?
3:1 Nonnative to Native English speakers
In this model one teacher has a larger group of students while the other teacher takes a small group for reteaching, enrichment, assessment...
"Targeted/Alternative Teaching Model"
My ETA is more work then if I were just to teach by myself. They always want to meet, reflect write out detailed lesson plans etc. Who has time for that? How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
I am upset by how students with special needs are treated in our school. Basically students with special needs are ignored and no accommodations are implemented. My LET does not think this is a problem. How can this conflict be resolved?
Answers may vary
Watch the following clip Is this co-teaching?
How many countries in the world have English as their official language?
A little over 50 (52-58 sovereign nations)