How would a person feel if you were yawning while they were speaking?
s/he/they -
don't care, not interested, don't like me
What do you do for a living?
Are you in school?
How would ask someone formally about their day?
vs. informally - howsa going?
When do you log onto Zoom?
5 minutes before the session starts - cameras off until the session begins
How does your body look if you are interested in their conversation?
Titled forward
eye contact
head up and shoulders level
What question do you ask to discover where they are from?
Where are you from? What city/state/country?
Mrs. Johnson is Ted's social studies teacher. They are walking past each other down the hallway. What could Ted say or do respectfully to greet her?
Say Hi
make eye contact
How are you?
How do you ask a question during Zoom meetings?
turn mic on
type something in the chat
use the raise your hand button
What should your face look like when meeting someone?
eye contact
eyebrows raised
When/how many times should you ask the other person about themselves?
After every new topic
Conversation turns!
How do you introduce yourself to your new boss/employer?
Hi my name is....
proper language: How are you doing today?
It is nice to meet you
eye contact
How would someone know over Zoom that you are paying attention?
sitting upright
camera on and facing them
no darting glances away from your computer
How should you look over zoom, regarding your body language?
face in the camera
facial expressions - smile
sit up with good posture
How would you respond to this question - What are your hobbies or interests?
I like.....
Sarah is meeting a new girl in class for the first time to work on their project. How should she greet her with her body langauge?
give a friendly glance
True or False: We can see only your face. We can't see anything around or behind you.
We can see what you see - make sure your environment is appropriate and you are wearing appropriate clothing!
What would think/feel if a person is smiling, asking you questions, and sitting with good posture during your conversation?
They are interested in me
They want to get to know me
They like me
Tell me about your family.
I have .....
My wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other is/does.......
What do you say when someone asks you - tell me about yourself.
where you are from
What are the most important things to check before starting a Zoom meeting?