Pencil, paper, and a notebook is required for class. This is the 4th and most important requirement
What is a positive attitude?
This is the result of the 1st offense in disciplinary action (assuming teacher decides not to skip)
What is a written/verbal warning?
You do this when you are deemed tardy for class
What is sign in on the student conductor?
Students are allowed to eat/drink in class if they do this. If not, they will lose this privilege.
What is clean up after themselves/ hold each other accountable?
You can't have these devices out in class or during school hours?
What is a cell phone/tablet/iPad
A study of the application of science to law
What is forensic science?
This is the result of 2nd offense in disciplinary action (assuming the teacher decides not to skip)
What is a warning/classroom modifications?
This rule states that students are NOT allowed to use the restrooms at the beginning or end of class.
Asking questions, answering questions, and paying attention are all signs of this expectation
What is active participation in class/ engagement?
These must be removed from your head when in school.
Coach Stewart will have sympathy and work with you if...
You engage, follow expectations and instructions
This is result of a 3rd offense for disciplinary action (assuming teacher does not skip)
What is parent contact?
Students must get approval from teacher to leave their seat or speak in class by doing this
What is raising your hand?
Being proud of your school, teacher, classmates and defending things that you are apart of
What is having pride?
These are put in place to protect students along with everyone in the school
Coach Stewart's Birthday
December 4th
This is the result of a 5th offense for disciplinary action (assuming teacher does not skip)
What is Administration referral?
When working in groups, this should be done to ensure everyone is contributing equally
What is assigning group roles?
The act of being honest, doing your own work, and not cheating
What is academic integrity?
These are the only students that are excluded from following every rule
Does the teacher reserve the right to skip disciplinary steps if deemed necessary?
Homework/Classwork will be submitted in these 2 places (must get both right for full credit)
Brown table/black bins and Google Classroom
What is bullying?
Students are expected to keep these to themselves
Hands and Possessions