Group Development
Listening for Change

BEFIRS are an example of what skill? 

Bonus points if you can name what the acronym stands for!


B = Body Language, E = Eye Contact, F = Following I = I-Thou, R = Relaxation 


Something a person holds about themselves, limiting their capacities and abilities

Limiting beliefs


This stage of the '5 Phase Lesson Plan' involves a question, video, or exercise that introduces the problem, topic or skill. It stimulates thoughts or feelings in the participants



The main concerns of this Stage are typically centered around belonging

Orientation Stage (Forming)


Awareness/attention is on oneself and how what’s being said matters to self. "What does this mean to me?"

Level One - Internal Listening


A figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things that have something important in common



ICF = “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

Is a collaborative relationship between a trained coach and a client looking for self-discovery, self-awareness and a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Happens in an environment where clients can freely express their emotions, be profoundly heard, manage their internal blocks, clarify their intentions and desires, and become more self-directed.

Are trained in fundamental skills including listening, empathy, cultivating insightful reflections and asking powerful questions.

The relationship itself creates the container which holds the client throughout the process and is the fertile ground from which the client grows.

Definition of Life Coaching


In this part of the '5 Phase Lesson Plan', participants have the opportunity to practice the new skills or behaviour they’ve learned about in the lesson. This supports the integration and assimilation of the learning

Skill Practice


Typical Questions asked at this Stage are:
• What more can we accomplish?
• What is a way we can do this will satisfy everyone?
• How can we work with everyone’s strengths to meet our goals/objectives?

Production Stage (Performing)


A client in this 'Stage of Change' is not yet ready to change, but is thinking that something may need to shift in the future, but they’re not sure what that is



"I get the sense that ______, does that connect with you?" This is an example of what skill?



Define Attending Skills and explain their relevance in coaching

Attending is when a coach uses verbal and nonverbal behaviours to demonstrate to a client that they’re listening. 

Attending skills are fundamentally a listening skill


This stage of the '5 Phase Lesson Plan' explains the reason or purpose of the lesson and how it pertains to the needs of the group



The outstanding characteristics of this Stage are frustration, conflict, lack of unity, and testing out behaviours

Dissatisfaction Stage (Storming)


Includes everything the listener can observe with their senses: what they see, hear, smell, and feel, intuit. The tactile as well as the emotional sensations. Also called, environmental listening

Level Three - Global Listening


The ability understand the emotional experience of another, connect with that experience from within oneself, and have an appropriate, compassionate response



Discovering, clarifying and aligning with what the client wants to achieve

Encouraging a client’s self-discovery

Eliciting client-generated solutions and strategies

Holding the client responsible and accountable

To have adequate and ongoing training in the field from reputable teachers. 

A commitment to their personal development

As stated by the ICF, these are all examples of what?

 Role and responsibility of a coach


Observes group process

Helps keep group focused

Discourages group from going off topic

Ensures that everyone participates

Protects members from getting attached

Points out and helps to resolve conflicts

Are all examples of what?

Responsibilities of a life skills facilitator


In this Stage, the group members start to share feedback with each other, what it was like participating in different roles and what each member learned about themselves

Termination Stage (Adjourning)


All of the attention and focus on the other persons expressions, emotions, what they say and how they say it. It is the level of empathy, clarification, collaboration

Level Two - Focused Listening


Name the 6 steps to problem solving

1. Recognize that there is a problem

2. Identify and own the problem. 

3. Brainstorm possible alternatives/solutions. 

4. Choose a possible solution 

5. Implement the decision

6. Evaluation


Define the differences between coaching and counselling

Coaching focuses on the present and how to move into a desired future.

Coaching doesn’t to attempt to unearth and heal wounds from a person’s past. 

Therapists and counsellors delve into a client’s past in order support the healing of a person’s traumas or developmental disruptions

Counsellors provide support for those suffering from addictions and mental health disorders, while coaching does not.


During group development, Withdrawing, Intellectualizing, Generalizing, Projecting, Interrogating, Competing, Blaming, Sub-grouping & Scapegoating are examples of what?

Defence mechanisms


This Stage is not necessarily as definitive as other stages but starts with a decrease in dissatisfaction and ends with neutral or positive feelings on the other

Resolution Stage (Norming)


How would you work with a client in Contemplation?

Encourage evaluation of pros and cons of behaviour change

Brainstorm and identify new possible outcomes

Explore motivations to change and not change

Validate lack of readiness

Be clear that the decision is theirs