"I want to..."
Statements about resisting change and maintaining the status quo
Counterchange talk
Goal of reflections
Maintain COLLABORATION with client, AFFIRM AUTONOMY, avoid arguments and confrontation(CLARITY), and EVOKE possibility of change talk.
D.A.R.N. This acronym is used to remind the coach to
Ask probing questions
Recovery in the coaching process comprises these three elements
Notice - Awareness of the gap, shift or disconnect
Name It - "I got loss", "I got distracted"
Reconnect - Level II connection engaged and present
"I could..."
Counterchange talk expressing ambivalence
Sustain talk
Rephrases what the client said using their key words
Simple Reflection
Client: I want to start chewing nicotine gum again. I've got to.
Coach: It's important to you to try again and you're going to use nicotine gum.
D.A.R.N. Coaching dialogue is explores
Desire - Motivation for intended outcome
Ability - Does client feel they have right ability
Needs - Skills or abilities needed
Reasons - How many reasons can they find to change
"May I tell you what I see?" Is an example of this coaching skill.
Asking Permission
Also: "Would you like some feedback on that?"
"I should because..."
Exploring the client's reason for change
Position the clients statement differently/positively
Client: I've tried to quit smoking many times, but I always give up.
Coach: Your persistence in the face of failed attempts is strong. It is important to you to quit.
Sharing information is done sparingly and with permission though this format
Elicit-Provide-Elicit (Ask-Tell-Ask)
Skill of getting to the point and redirecting the coachee away from tangential stories
Bottom Lining
"So what's the bottom line here?'
"So what will you really commit too?"
"I have to..."
Client is always in charge and coaching avoids the need to fix or preach to promote
Used to make sense of discrepant information a client states about who they say they are and who they say they want to be.
Double Sided
Client: "I'm afraid they are going to leave me, but I won't stop having my beers."
Coach: On one hand you say your family is important and your bingeing is driving them away. Help me understand this...
Components of Co-Active Coaching Model
Fulfillment, balance and process (action)
How championing differs from acknowledgement
You stand up for coachees by identifying their abilities to take on a task, perhaps recognizing a strength or capacity they didn't give themselves credit for.
"I will..."
Predicated absence of unwanted behavior
"If and when you are ready to make a change, I'm here to support you" helps client to
Affirm and foster autonomy
Useful mental ruler to gauge the degree to which a client is ready or motivated to achieve a stated goal
Backward: Why did you pick a 4 and not a 2
Forward: What would need to be different for you to move from a 4 to a 6.
Formula for balanced coaching.
Moving from stuck to possibility
Perspective, choice, co-active strategy, commitment, action
The valuable skill of venting to help a coachee become more present
"You seem distracted. It's like we're having to work too hard to stay on track."