Name one renewable and one non-renewable energy source
Renewable - Wind, Solar, Hydro, Geothermal, Tidal, etc..
Nonrenewable - Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, etc..
What is the name of our whale skeleton hanging in Samueli?
What are the color changing dots on squid?
What is our whale watching/fishing vessel called?
Research Vessel Sea Explorer
The tide is controlled by the ____
The ocean in a ____ sink
6 (Sea Squirts, Neptune's, Buccaneers, Ocean Disco, Shipwrecks, Coastal)
MSCIA is a bonus point
What type of fish did we dissect and where in the ocean do they live?
Pacific Mackerel, Open Ocean/Pelagic
What is the most abundant type of zooplankton?
What is the largest fish?
Whale Shark
How large is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?
TWICE the size of TEXAS (1.6 million square kilometers)
What type of animals are in our peanut touch tank?
Horn Sharks, Shovelnose Guitarfish, California Round Rays
What nutrients did we test for during water quality at the dock?
Nitrogen and Phosphates
What is a watershed?
An area of land that drains into a waterway (river, lake, ocean)
How many oceans are there? Name each of them.
5 - Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern (Antarctic)
What is Eutrophication?
an overabundance of nutrients
What kind of ship is Spirit of Dana Point?
Revolutionary War, 18th Century Schooner
What rocks did we test for fossil fuel potential?
What is the artificial reef built off of the nuclear power plant in San Clemente?
Wheeler North Reef
Octopus and squid are cephalopods. What does cephalopod mean? (it's Greek)
Ocean Acidification causes an increase of _____ ions and a decrease of _____ ions
increase of HYDROGEN ion and decrease of CARBONATE ions
When was Ocean Institute founded?
1977 (closest answer wins)
What was the name of your boat captain on Wednesday?
Captain Brittany, Captain Peter, or Captain Jack
There are 7 Sea Turtle species. Name at least 4 of the 7.
Green, Olive Ridley, Kemp's Ridley, Leatherback, Loggerhead, Flatback, Hawksbill.