What is the retention rate for first-year business students at Clemson?
Two minors offered by AFROTC and Army ROTC.
What is military leadership and aerospace studies.
This person left 814 acres of land and more than $80,000 in other assets to the state of South Carolina to establish a seminary of higher learning.
Who is Thomas Green Clemson.
Number of credits required to complete a bachelors in a business degree from Clemson.
This COBRA is from the furthest town away from Clemson.
Who is Bella Pignati (Los Altos, CA 2,192 miles)
Number of business majors in our College, pre-business classes, and the jersey number of the starting Clemson running back.
What is 7.
What ROTC programs are present on campus?
What is Army and Air Force.
This is the number of Board of Trustees at Clemson University.
What is 13
Number of emphasis areas in Financial Management...this is also the number Kentucky was ranked in the AP last night and the number of points Clemson won by.
What is 4.
This new COBRA is from the closest town to Clemson.
Jessica Pressley (Taylors, SC - 38 miles)
This Powers of College Business employee recently started his MBA program and graduated from the School of Accountancy at Clemson University.
Who is Jack Council
What color uniforms do the Clemson football players wear on Military Appreciation Day?
Institutions where Dean Wendy York earned her degrees from.
What are Stanford and Harvard
This is the most popular major in the Powers College of Business with 1,132 students.
What is Financial Management.
Excluding South Carolina, this "tri-state area" is the most represented in this new COBRA class.
What is NY (3), CT (3), and NJ (3).
This state is the second most represented in our business freshman class.
What is New Jersey (84 students)
In what year did Clemson's entire senior class enlist?
What is 1917?
This is the new Director of the Melvin and Dollie Younts Trading Room.
Who is Michael Howley.
This is the smallest major in the Powers College of Business with 374 students.
What is ECON BA
This is the average GPA of the incoming COBRA class.
What is 3.73
Students can improve their leadership skills with this new Summer 2025 study abroad program. This is also home to 2024 Major League Baseball MVP, Shohei Ohtani.
Clemson Business and Leadership in Japan
How many names are on the Scroll of Honor outside the football stadium?
What is 498.
Which Clemson MBA program was just ranked top 10 in the world by Poets and Quants, 2024?
Required number of accounting courses that finance majors must complete to earn their degree.
What is 5.
This is the number of new COBRA's who visited with us when they were in high school.
What is 16 (out of 28)