Is cocaine a powerfully addictive stimulant drug?
Do drug user snort cocaine?
Yes A lot of drug users do snort cocaine.
What is one long term effect of cocaine usage?
Is cocaine the most trafficked illegal drug in the world?
Yes it’s the second most trafficked illegal drug in the world.
Can cognitive behavioral therapy help with preventing drug users to not relapse and use cocaine again?
Yes it can help drug users from wanting to relapsing and use drugs again.
What schedule drug is cocaine?
Schedule 2 drug.
Do drug users use needles to use cocaine?
Yes a lot of drug users use needles to shoot the cocaine into their blood system.
What is two short term effects of cocaine usage?
Intense happiness and Paranoia.
Among young people from ages 15 to 34 how many have used cocaine at least once in their life?
An estimated 7.5 million have used cocaine at least once in their life.
Can medication be used to help with cocaine addiction?
There is an ongoing research on how to treat cocaine with medication but doctors may prescribe medications to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
What plant does cocaine come from?
Cocaine comes from the Coca plant.
Can cocaine be used to smoke?
Yes a lot of drug users use cocaine to smoke.
What is two long term effects of cocaine usage?
Mood problems and Lung damage.
What are some street names for cocaine?
Crack, Coke, or speedball.
What is Cocaine Anonymous?
Cocaine Anonymous is free resource for people who are recovering from problems/addiction from cocaine.
What did cocaine use to be used for by surgeons?
Back in the day Surgeons used cocaine to block patients pain.
When coca leaves are chewed does it produce cocaine?
No when coca leaves are chewed it only produces a mild stimulant and no cocaine is produced.
What is another two short term effects for cocaine usage?
Decreased appetite and Extreme sensitivity to touch,sound,and sight.
What drug is frequently mixed with cocaine?
Is Cocaine anonymous also a 12-step program to support members on their recovery and is it open to the community?
CA is open to the community by using a 12-step program to support members on their recovery journey.
Where is cocaine grown at?
It's grown in Colombia.
Can cocaine be used for local anesthesia?
Yes some doctors used to use cocaine as an local anesthesia for patients.
What is one short and long term effect of cocaine usage?
Long term effect can be HIV or hepatitis if you inject it and a Short term effect can be anger and irritability.
What does the combination of cocaine and alcohol cause?
It causes more deaths than any other drug mixed with cocaine.
What is the SAMHSA hotline/helpline number to help those dealing with drug abuse/addiction?