What is the Pack a Punch name of the Dingo in Bo3
Dire Wolf
What's the Pack a Punch name of the KRM
Dagon's Glare
Origins trailer song
Shepherd of Fire
What's the "Margwa" rip off called (cw)
Name all types of nova crawlers from waw to Bo4
Nova Crawlers, Jumping Jacks, Electro, Poison gas, and Teleporters
How do you get 6 perks in Town
get tombstone, go down, get three perks including tombstone, get you gravestone, boom ur done
How many easter eggs are there in Bo3
Where does the fire staff go in the origins Easter egg
a different stand that's in the middle of the switch room
A map with an allie that's a robot
Maur Der Toten (cw)
What map can you where Al's hat in (Bo3)
How do you get the main wonder weapon on SoE
kill a margwa, open a purple pod, and kill a parasite or meatball
What words do you hear before a dog round (the well known ones)
Fetch me their souls
Bo2 Weapon holder
What's the name of every pistol in Bo3
MR6, RK5, 1911, Mauser, Bloodhound, L-Car, Marshalls, Rift-e9
What weapon is in the secret room in Verruckt (OG)
Bo1 Tommy gun relative
Where are all the Dog heads located on BotD and MotD
Docks, Next to Deadshot, Under Electric Cherry, Room with the Magma Gat upgrade machine, in between Warden's house and Warden's office
Every buildable in Tranzit
Turbine, Shield, Turret, Electric trap, PaP, and Jet Gun, Easter egg, Power
Every Bo3 shotgun name
KRM, Argus, Haymaker, Brecci, and Bansii
Bonus if you said the marshalls
How do you get a free gobblegum on SoE
Throw widows wine grenades into lion heads to the left of spawn and up the stairs
Free throwable item from Tag Der Toten
Name the Chaos crew
Diego, Bruno, Shaw, Scarlet
All exclusive Bo2 perks
Who's Who, PHD, Vulture Aid
Every part location for the shield on Tranzit
What's the name of every Bo3 zombies wonder weapon
Apothicans servant, thunder gun, raygun, raygun mark 2, raygun mark 3, Masamune, Lightning bow, wolf bow, fire bow, void bow, wind staff, ice staff, lightning staff, fire staff, winter Howl, wunderwaffe, Baby gun, zap and wave gun