Code of Conduct 1
Code of Conduct 2
Code of Conduct 3
Code of Conduct 4
Is it bullying?

Disobeying a directive or purposely causing a directive to fail

What is insubordination?


The state of keeping or being kept secret or private.

What is confidentiality?


Leaving a shift early without telling a supervisor

What is leaving early without approval?


Gossiping, offensive joking, bullying

What is harassment?


Suzie and Winston are talking, they say 

"Did you see Rhonda's outfit today? She looks so silly, why does she dress like that?" and laugh. 

Rhonda is not there part of the conversation. 

Is it gossiping?

Yes! And bullying!

Suzie and Winston are saying mean things behind Rhonda's back, and laughing in a mean-spirited way. They are trying to single out Rhonda and make fun of her. 


Raised voices or behavior in an office

What is disrupting the work environment?


Sharing confidential information without written consent

What is a breach of patient confidentiality?


 Employees may not be in possession, consume, or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on Heartview property.

What is Heartviews employee drug and alcohol policy?


Employees must receive approval from their supervisor to work more.

What is overtime?


Winston is going to a shift at Pinkie's. 

Suzie says "Have a great shift!"

Winston says "No" under his breath and leaves. 

Suzie is sad. 

Rhonda says "Winston is so mean! Winston is an awful person! Winston shouldn't be allowed to come here! He is terrible to everyone he meets, and no one likes him."

Who is gossiping?

Rhonda is gossiping! Rhonda says she's sticking up for her friend, but has actually started gossiping by saying mean things about Winston. 

Winston is NOT gossiping. Winston may just be having a bad day, or Winston may not know how to relate to his peers. 


Reporting things that are false

What is misleading information?


Posting inappropriate things on social media

What is a violation of the social media policy?


Staff is not to use Heartview property or supplies for personal or unauthorized use.

What is Heartview's policy on the use on property and supplies?


Receiving more compensation than normal

What is overpayment of compensation?


Rhonda and Suzie are talking on Messenger at night in a group chat. They are talking about Winston in the group chat and how they don't like Winston. Winston is also part of the group chat and is upset reading and hearing the mean things that are being said. 

When Winston comes into Prescott the next day, Rhonda and Suzie are nice to his face and say how they love seeing him. 

Is this gossiping?

Yes! Even though Winston is part of the chat, Rhonda and Suzie are still saying mean things about Winston. 

It is also bullying! Rhonda and Suzie are being mean, and trying to single Winston out. 


Being late frequently or calling out sick frequently

What is excessive absenteeism?


Having a personal relationship with a patient

What is patient fraternization?


Staff shall not accept gifts from patients, nor shall gifts be accepted from employees when the purpose is to gain a favor.

What is the policy on the acceptance of gifts?


Keeping an inaccurate account of hours that have been worked

What is time theft?


Marco has a treat they brought in from home. 

Winston says "That smells like strawberry!" 

Marco says "It is strawberry!"

Winston goes to a shift at Pinkie's to work. 

Marco says to Rhonda and Suzie "Wow, Winston has a great nose! They knew my treat was strawberry flavoured!"

Is this gossiping?


Marco is not saying mean things about Winston. Marco is talking about Winston behind their back, but it isn't gossiping because it's not mean-spirited, it is not untrue, and it's about an event that actually happened, and is positive. 


Speaking poorly about Heartview 

What is threatening the reputation of Heartview?


The federal regulation other than HIPPA that Heartview has to follow in regard to confidentiality.

What is 42 CFR Part 2 regulations?


Performing all aspects of a job to the best of ability.

What is accuracy of job performance?


The amount of time that employees are allowed to use a computer for personal use.

What is 15 minutes?


Suzie is sitting in a chair at the beginning of the day. 

Rhonda comes in and sees Suzie sitting. 

Rhonda says "Can I sit there?" 

Suzie sighs and gets up to move. 

Rhonda sits in the chair. 

Is this gossiping?


No one is saying anything mean-spirited to or about anyone else. 

It IS extremely rude, and could be a form of bullying! 

Rhonda may be trying to exclude Suzie from the group.