This is what Code Orange designates.
What is an External Disaster?
This is who is responsible for initiating the Disaster Plan.
Who is the CEO (or delegate)?
This is the gold standard type of hand sanitizer.
What is alcohol-based hand sanitizer?
This is how many patients Homewood is able to receive and treat from other health care facilities.
What is 50?
This is used to contact off-duty staff members during a Code Orange.
What is the Fan Out List?
You should use hand sanitizer if your hands are visibly soiled.
You should use soap and water, then sanitize.
This is the location of the Disaster Control Centre.
Where is the Vista 2 Boardroom?
Secondary location = Manor Basement Staff Conference Room
This is where staff are to report to and be briefed of the nature of the Code Orange.
Where is the Lecture Theatre?
This is how long you should wash your hands for.
What is at least 15 seconds?
These are the core 5 members of the Disaster Control Command Team (excluding delegates).
1) CEO
2) Chief of Staff
3) EVP of Operations
4) VP of Patient Services
5) Chief Nursing Officer
Each member can be delegated if needed.
This is the duty of Materials Management during a Code Orange.
What is transporting patients, staff, and emergency supplies?
This is the training required by all staff to complete to learn how to handle aggression in clinical and non-clinical settings at the hospital.
What is Homewood Aggression Response Training (HART)?
These are the 5 categories of External Disasters.
2) Mass transportation accidents (ex. planes, trains)
3) Industrial accidents (ex. explosion, poisoning)
4) Civic disorder accidents (ex. rioting)
5) Internal disaster of another facility
These are the hospital staff working hours during a Code Orange.
What is a 12 hour straight shift (7am-7pm)
Note: All time off is suspended
Note: When disaster plan is announced, all staff currently on duty will remain until sufficient staff is available to institute 12 hour shifts
These are the 4 moments of hand hygiene.
1) Before patient/environment contact
2) After patient/environment contact
3) Before an aseptic procedure
4) After body fluid exposure/risk of exposure