A positive change that happened to Ned Begay.
What are his parents allowing him to join up?
Summary Sentence one.
What is Ned enlists in the Marines with his parents' permission?
The kind of Native American Ned Begay is.
What is a Navajo?
Planes that the Japanese used to try and blow up American ships but would lose the pilots life in the process.
What is a kamikaze?
Ned's audience.
Who are Ned's grandchildren?
What is Ned aging to about 60 years old?
Summary Sentence Two.
What is in the Marines Ned gets chosen to do a very special job because he is a Navajo, he gets to become a code talker?
What special group is Ned a part of in the Marines.
What are the Code Talkers
This person was seen as a god to the Japenese.
This piece of technology was what allowed Ned to share his story with others.
What are computers?
What is the war technology?
Summary Sentence Three
What is Ned goes through many tribulations on his journey and makes many friends, all while fighting against the Japanese for America?
Ned's best friend who he taught how to read.
Who is Georgia Boy?
The location the Japanese fought the hardest to keep.
What is Iwo Jima?
This friend of Ned's died and came back to life.
Who is Charlie Begay?
A change that is manmade.
what is the Japanese killing lots of Americans?
Summary Sentence Four
What is after overcoming many battles for the Marines Ned finally retires because the Japanese Emporor decided it was best for his people to surrender?
The Navajos ate this prickly plant in the desert to prove they were the toughest Marines.
What is a cactus?
A hide out bunker for the Japanese where they stored canned foods sent to them by the Americans.
What are pillboxes?
This sunny state is where Ned's reservation is.
Where is Arizona?
What is the Japanese starting a war?
Summary Sentence 5
What is even though Ned is home he still feels like an outcast because to other people he is just a Navajo so he decides to take that and help fight against it?
What is Begay?
A type of attack the Japanese would relentlessly attack with whatever they had on hand while screaming this five letter word.
What is a Banzai attack?
Who are the Yankees?